posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 04:30 PM
United States v. Councilman, a federal appeals case involving whether email can be "intercepted" in violation of federal wiretap law while it is
temporarily retained on an email server -- even if only for a fraction of a second.Privacy International (PI) is a human rights group formed in 1990
as a watchdog on surveillance and privacy invasions by governments and corporations. PI is based in London, England, and has an office in Washington,
EPIC urged the Department of Homeland Security to consider privacy implications as it expands the United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator
Technology (US-VISIT), a controversial border entry-exit program. In August, the agency announced that it would expand US-VISIT to the 50 busiest land
border points of entry by the end of this year. It also expanded the category of individuals who are subject to US-VISIT to include visa waiver
travelers and Mexican citizens traveling to and from the U.S. EPIC's comments emphasized the potential for mission creep within the program, and
noted the importance of safeguarding the accuracy and security of the information collected through US-VISIT.
The Transportation Security Administration has ordered 72 airlines to turn over a month's worth of passenger data to test the Secure Flight passenger
prescreening program. The airlines have been told they must give the agency all passenger records from June 2004 domestic flights by November
Bowing to pressure from the House in negotiations over legislation to implement the 9/11 Commission's recommendations,the Senate has agreed that the
government's intelligence budget will remain classified.
[edit on 18-11-2004 by Horus_Re]