This thought just occurred to me, so prepare for a purely stream-of-consciousness thread but..
The occurrence that spawned this thread-o-thought was:
Sunlight on the hair, from a first-person-perspective, is a combination of blurred strands (as the focus of the eye approaches its near-sighted
limitation) and rainbow patterns that seem to fill-in the "ambiguous information" or "remainder" of the equation..
This got me to thinking about WHAT the rainbow represents scientifically and symbolically..
Symbolically: I am only using my own experience for research (which is the only way to really say anything about symbols) but to me, the most
prominent examples of rainbow-symbolism are:
-Gay Culture
-Suspenders and Fashion of the 60s and 70s
-The TV show Reading Rainbow
-pretty much anything that is supposed to appeal to children, families, etc etc..
Scientifically: It is the result of White-Light (a beam of pure-potentiality, equal in all spectrums and the visual equivalent to white-noise in
audio..) being FILTERED by a prism or other material (such as water) which divides the White-Light into every color
that we can recognize..
The light
isn't CHANGED into something entirely different.. it's just been
transposed to where we perceive it in terms of recognizable
bands of colour.. not fundamentally changed as a phenomenon..
It also seems to occur when looking at the part of a data-disk that
holds information which we cannot observe and understand without using a
computer as a filter to
transpose the information to a part of the spectrum that we CAN understand (the visual-spectrum, in the form of code,
text, picture, sound, video..) because it is actually turning the rainbow (on the bottom of the disk) BACK into it's fundamental form; White Light
(in which it was programmed)
..for the connection and apparent disinformation..
as a symbol, The Rainbow has been
used to represent "equality" and "acceptance" when in fact it seems to
literally represent
separation and MISUNDERSTANDING.. Even if it does intuitively register as a "symbol of inclusion", at best it seems to represent "tolerance"
rather than "acceptance" which are very different things if you look at them closely..
(keep in mind that good old-time idea of "Equal but separate" to justify racism..)
Tolerance - implies that everyone should TOLERATE those who "are different from them" (uhh.. which is everyone to some extent..?) but that it is
acceptable to
ignore any inconvenient and "wrong" ways of life, and even
conspire to "change their wicked ways" and hence we see
evangelism of every different kind, amongst the religious and scientific alike..
Acceptance - does NOT mean (to me) a fatalistic, apathetic "giving-in" to everything in life that seems truly convoluted, complex, confused, and
downright inconvenient.. (notice I avoid the word "wrong" for an entire thread's worth of reasons..) BUT what acceptance DOES mean (to me) is: no
different than (music term!) "transposing" all of those differences from
what they appear to be and realizing their common origins and
function in the world.. at least in an effort to realize how YOU WOULD NOT BE THE SAME PERSON IF THE WORLD WERE NOT JUST AS IT IS AT THIS
..sorry for the caps, but I just mean to emphasize critical things that could easily mis-read or interpreted as metaphor. I LITERALLY mean that You
and I would not be the same people, reading/writing these words, had we not experienced the EXACT world that we have experienced thusfar.. memory of
this world can either be a weight of confusion, separation, and hostility, or it can be used as fuel for the a brighter future.. pun intended
if you disagree or would like to clean any of this up, please be my guest!
..I welcome Trolls, Skeptics, and the Faithful alike to find holes in any of my reasoning in this thread or otherwise..
..the best way to learn ^-^