99 years after his vacation, Sariel was woke up at the deepest of the night. A red glow was coming from behind a tree to his left. He stood softly to
his feet, making sure not to wake Lúthien, and walked to the river, putting distance between both of them. The red glow followed him discretly, and
when they were out of earshot, it dissolved to reveal another angel, this one with wings of fire.
"Loskiel, what are you doing here?" Sariel asked his friend.
"We know you still have a year left before the end of your vacation, but the army need you", Loskiel announced. "Demons are more and more numerous,
and we need everyone to contain them, especially you."
"Me? But I'm just an angel; you guys are cherubims and seraphs."
Suspicion entered his mind, and he realised what Loskiel was hiding.
"You have to shut down the bridges!"
"Yes", Loskiel sighed. "I'm sorry; that's why I came to take you back up there. The One wants all his subjects in safety. The demons are too
numerous to allow functional bridges; the damage they could cause is too unpredictable to let it loose."
"But... what about Lúthien? Would I still be able to visit her?" Sariel asked, in panic of losing the only love of his life.
Loskiel knew that too, and he hesitated before answering.
Sariel looked up, in alarm.
"I'm sorry, Sariel. The bridges stay closed for one thousand year; that is, if the demons are gone in a thousand years. It may be more than
Our angel dropped his head in his hands, desperately trying to find a way out. Angels can survive away from Heaven for only 150 years; after that,
they slowly fade away in less than fifty years. If Sariel didn't left Earth, he wouldn't survive a thousand year; he would barely live beyond the
coming hundred years.
"There's no othet way", Loskiel told him, trying to lessen the blow. "Either you stay here and die, or come with me without ever setting foot on
Sariel stood up sharply, making a hundred pace, and wringling his hands in despair.
Just when he was about to speak, a soft hand settled around his left arm, and another on his shoulder.
"Sariel, my love, what is wrong?" Lúthien asked, full of concern, glancing occasionally at Loskiel.
"It's... Oh, Lúthien, I don't want to leave you!" Sariel sobbed, hugging her tightly.
"What do you mean? Why do you have to leave me?"
"It's the demons! They're growing in numbers. Because of that, we have to shut down the bridges connecting Earth to the other universes, and that
includes Heaven!"
"For how long?" she asked, hopeful.
"A thousand years! Perhaps even more!!" Sariel cried, hugging even more tightly the Moon Spirit.
Lúthien gasped, knowing full well what that meant, and she looked up to Loskiel. He shook his head, signaling that there was no other way, then
looked away again, leaving the two lovers in privacy.
"I can't!" Sariel decided, freeing Lúthien from his arms, and gazing sadly at the sea. "I can't go; I won't leave you all alone for ever."
"What?!" Lúthien gasped. "No, Sariel, no, please!! You know what will happen to you if you stay with me!"
"I don't care", replied Sariel, taking softly her head in his hands. "I will willingly die if it means I will still see you."
"No, my love. I will live forever, and I cannot bear see you fade and die. I would rather wait for you, and know that up there, you're still
thinking about me."
Sariel started to dismiss, but Lúthien put her fingers on his lips, and smiled lovingly.
"Please, my love. Go back to your world, and I will wait for you, no matter what happens."
Sariel started to waver, and looked back and forth between the Moon Spirit and Loskiel, who was now staring at him, waiting his decision.
"Ummm... you're sure?" he asked hesistantly.
Lúthien smiled broadly, relieved to see that her love was going to live.
"Yes. It will be a long wait; but then, you will have the proof that I love you!"
Sariel laughed a bit, and looked longingly in her clear eyes, seeing her devotion and her desire to see him live.
"Fine!" he exageratly sighed, making her giggle. "I'll go."
"Very well," Loskiel acknowledged, standing up. "Let's go."
"Hey, hey, wait a bit so I can, you know..."
Loskiel understood, and put some distance between him and the lovers.
"Goodbye, Lúthien the Moon Spirit", Sariel said softly, holding her lovingly, and meeting her forehead with his.
"Goodbye, Sariel the Angel", she answered, ending with a passionate kiss.
They broke the hug, and after one last snug, Sariel joined Loskiel. Lúthien waved goodbye, and after an air kiss from Sariel, the latter and Loskiel
vanished from the forest, in a wave of heat.
Only then did the Moon Spirit finally laid curled on the ground, and cried for her absent love, her tears raining down her pale cheek to her raven
hair. A white hare jumped up to her, and kindly squeezed herself against Lúthien, to comfort her.
Back in Heaven, Sariel stood with a stone face as the seraphs closed all bridges; but when they left, he too laid down to cry.
But he soon sat up again, and now he had nothing but hope for the day he would finally be with the Moon Spirit forever. Well, that and a bit of anger
against the demons who catapulted the closing of the bridges. Which meant that some (okay, alot) of demons's behind were kicked by Sariel.
Years passed, and the bridges still stayed closed. But it didn't stopped true love. For every full moon, Sariel would sit above the spot where the
clearing in the forest were, and there, he would see the Moon Spirit dance under the moonlight as she did the night they first met. And after each
dance, the Moon Spirit would look up at the sky, and blow a kiss; and Sariel would look down to his shining lover, and return the kiss.