posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 01:22 PM
Hello fellow writers, interested writers and all ATS members in general.
The writing forums have really picked up as of late, and I've had many, many questions regarding Writer Status and its details. So, for clarity, here
it is.
Writer status is gained by placing 1st or 2nd in the Writing Contests done each month. It is required to post within the Collaborative Writing
Forums, which at the moment doesn't get much use, but I'll be fixing that in a week or so with a new initiative.
Winners are currently chosen based on a points system for your submissions.
1 Flag=2 Points
1 Star=1 Point
Subsequent stars for multiple post submissions are counted as .5 of a point.
There are always two categories, one for members who already have Writer Status and one for those who do not. Placing 1st or 2nd within the
non-writer category will earn you the Writer status.
In any case, you maintain your writers status so long as your account is in good standing. If you are ever in a position where a Posting Ban is
applied to your account, your status will be null and void. You will certainly be able to regain that status, but it will require you to re-enter and
then subsequently win, another Writing Contest.
As always, within the Writing Forums all T&C's do apply.
edit on 11/19/2013 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)