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Bill Clinton: 'President Should Honor the Commitment' and Let People Keep Their Insurance Plans

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posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 05:23 PM
Well it should be quite an insult when Der Schlick Meister talks about
honoring commitments!

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 05:42 PM

It's all a giant joke. If her voting history coupled with her performance under this administration don't sway you from supporting her, I don't know what will. And Bill, should really shaddup. Maybe some people have short term memories, don't expect everyone forgot what you had your hand in Billy boy. And I don't mean the interns' skirts.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 05:34 AM

reply to post by capone1

Bill 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman' Clinton should stop being treated like an Elder Statesman and slink back off into that Arkansas hole he and his witch of a wife crawled out of.

Man am I getting tired of these people being treated like they're relevant, or have any possible right to comment on present governmental issues. How much of our current screwed up everything is Clinton's doing? Ask him about that.

In case you forgot during Clintons term in office his wife was head of the committee to try and reform / fix healthcare. It did not go anywhere as we all know... As for Clinton commenting, its his right as a citizen to express his opinions / criticize the government.

Knowing Bill Clinton can criticize the government ensures the rest of us are able to do so as well.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 05:36 AM
old bill is just looking for stars and he will be telling us he did not have sexual relations with mrs palmer and her 5 helpers

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:21 PM

reply to post by capone1

People are myopic, they forget some of the prosperity under Clinton was due to deregulation he started in banking.

Very shortsighted and the end result of that type of deregulation was the economic collapse we suffered globally.

Correctomundo! And it all began with the repeal of Glass-Steagal by a Democrat Congress and President.
edit on 13-11-2013 by SBMcG because: Formatting screw-up

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by SBMcG


People forget forcing people to buy healthcare came from Hillary as well, it was her health reform Idea to start with....

So lets see we now get to Chose between a Clinton and a Bush, sounds to me like a choice between the frying pan and the fire.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by AlienScience

Nope, it actually doesn't. As long as those plans existed before May 2010 and haven't significantly increased costs, they are grandfathered in and can continue to be offered.

that's not true as i understand it.

ALL policies must have 10 essential things. if a private policy doesn't have even one of those "essential" things (even if that thing is irrelevant, like a male needing maternity leave coverage in their policy), the coverage is dropped.

if there is ONE thing that will increase healthcare costs, it's making sure everyone has to go through the middleman (insurance companies).

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 07:45 AM
Let's be real about what's going on here. This is an intentional and compartmentalized assassination of Obama's credibility. (Whether Obama ever HAD any credibility is beside the point, so leave that aside for now.)

Why are TPTB starting to turn against Obama? Because Obama needs to be painted as the criminal, the clown, as the sole party responsible for the dark direction this country is headed. And it needs to happen well before the next round of elections.

Because, you know, if people aren't conditioned to blame Obama exclusively, they might start realizing that there's a rather powerful cabal of individuals pulling the strings of the president and Congress. People might realize that the "differences" between the two parties are largely illusory, as both are beholden to the same banks, corporations, and foreign powers that put them into office.

If that happens, people will start turning away from this entire corrupt system, no longer believing the next puppet they vote in has their best interests at heart.

Then, once the illusion of choice presented by the system falls apart, people will start pointing the finger of blame through the curtain, and the "great and powerful" Oz will be revealed. The world will see that the emperor has no clothes and that our real enemy is standing in the shadows behind the government.

And that, above all else, is something that the puppeteers desperately want to avoid. So Obama has to be set up to take the fall. You know, so the next round of puppets can "save" us from him. Just like TPTB set up Bush for the fall, so Obama could save us from him... just like they set up Clinton for a fall, so Bush could....

You get the idea. Now, if only the rest of the world would wake the eff up, we the people could start cleaning house and finally stop falling for the same corrupt political tricks that have kept us enslaved for the past x-hundred years.

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by capone1

I have undergone the training for those assisting people with questions about the new health care plan.

I understand that the President never intended for people who like their current insurance to have to give it up. President Obama has said so himself in many speeches.

The present mess is due to interference from Congress. Three guesses as to who's responsible for that.

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 12:56 PM

reply to post by capone1

I have undergone the training for those assisting people with questions about the new health care plan.

I understand that the President never intended for people who like their current insurance to have to give it up. President Obama has said so himself in many speeches.

The present mess is due to interference from Congress. Three guesses as to who's responsible for that.

The grandfather guidelines were in the Federal Register in 2010.

Much research went into the guidelines.

Obama and all concerned knew all about it.

He (and they) knew most existing policies were not meeting the new essential coverage minimums.

And I'm sure you know all this as well.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by capone1

Even a pathological liar knows when someone's gone too far.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 03:39 AM

reply to post by capone1

The only way Obama can "let people keep their insurance" is by forcing the insurance companies to keep policies that they want to phase out.

I'm all for it...let's give Obama that power...I just can't wait to hear the Republicans pushing to give Obama the power to be able to tell a private company what they can and can't do.

Is this a joke? The reason people are losing their insurance is because Obama is telling private companies what they can and can't do. He then tells people that he knows best, and what they think is better isn't, and what looks like a cost increase isn't.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 03:43 AM

Nope, it actually doesn't. As long as those plans existed before May 2010 and haven't significantly increased costs, they are grandfathered in and can continue to be offered.

Actually that's false. A $5 a month increase can cause your insurance to lose grandfather clause. Back in 2010 Obama made a statement saying he was going to fix this. He never did.

The grandfather clause is something they knew would look and sound great, but would not work well in practice.

In South Carolina every state employee is switching health care plans. I am now far more limited in who I can see as a Dr.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by OccamsRazor04

The american citizen can not forget that a large part of this obozocare was to get everyone's health records into a one computer database -

which makes it much easier to see who has been prescribed psychotropic medications -

to see who can't own a firearm.

And, who has had the soon to be mandated "vaccination" schedule - for adults and children alike.

But, in Hillary's words, "What does it really matter now - people died."

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

Yes, I agree. President Obama knew that many existing policies were too expensive and/or did not provide adequate coverage.

I think he's right about that, but Congress will probably nullify that part of the bill in order to let the insurance giants make big bucks off of poor suckers.

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