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Apple's new free lame Mavericks...HELP!

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posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 07:47 PM
So apparently my OS was upgraded and I didn't even know it. Nice one Apple.

I had an update icon pop up about two weeks ago and I let it update well I didn't know it was updating aka CHANGING my OS X to some new crappy Mavericks. I have had NOTHING but problems since and I have NEVER EVER in my life had problems with a Mac, ever.

I am beyond pissed and livid. I want my old OS X back. I had Mountain Lion 10.6.8 and I want that back. I hate this Mavericks. My pages don't load and it constantly says "Can't Find Server" or the page doesn't load fully so it's all text and no images, just basic looking. All this started after their free upgraded new OS X.

I have Time Machine but don't have an external HD to back things up with. I only have pictures on my computer. I don't use my computer for anything but photo storage/editing and going online. I don't download ANYTHING not even music. I use Spotify for music and Netflix and Amazon for streaming. I am looking at external HD's right now on I found one and will be getting it this week.

I have NO idea how to get the old OS X back. When I bought this computer it came with it. I have no disc drive so I have no discs. I chose the one without the disc drive because most of what I do can just be downloaded via iTunes or the App store and it was $500 more for the disc drive and I got half the space with one of those. I have 1tb HD where if I had the disc drive I'd have 500GB. I never used the disc drive on my MacbookPro and I think only a couple times to burn CDs on my previous Powerbooks so I had no use for it.

Now I don't know how to partition or do anything technical so don't suggest it I don't know how to do it. I just want to know how I get the old OS X back. Do I need a code from Apple? I refuse to pay for it since I paid for it when we bought the thing, back in May of this year.

Once i get the external HD and I back up my pics and whatever else I can backup using Time Machine, can I then load the old OS X? How do you delete the current one? I've never had this problem because I never had a problem with the OS to where I wanted a different one. The ONLY time i had those problems was when I had a PC yrs ago.

I am so beyond mad it's not even funny. I have ALWAYS loved Apple and those on here who know me know how I am. lol This is the first time I have ever been this pissed with them and their product. They should keep their free upgrades to themselves. I'd rather PAY and get better quality!! I have read the Apple forums and sooooo many people are pissed. I know one member here lost everything incl pics, iTunes library and so on with this upgrade. So yea it's an issue. I just want my Mountain Lion back!!!

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

If you have a service contract theres this 800 phone number you can call and get a rep to walk through it with you. Or take it to the apple store and tell them what you said here. They are usually willing to help. This is not a problem you generated, so they should deal with it.

The part I don't get is how a OS package upgrade was "free"?

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

At least it installed for you. It killed my Mac and then my external HDD!
took over 27 hours to recover only part of what I lost.

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 06:47 AM

reply to post by mblahnikluver

If you have a service contract theres this 800 phone number you can call and get a rep to walk through it with you. Or take it to the apple store and tell them what you said here. They are usually willing to help. This is not a problem you generated, so they should deal with it.

The part I don't get is how a OS package upgrade was "free"?

Ahhh I keep forgetting we have the customer service with them. I'll do that as soon as my son is napping.

Their new OS is free. WHY they felt to make it free is beyond me. When it comes to OS X on a computer I'd rather PAY!

I had no idea what it was til it was downloading and the screen popped up with "Mavericks OS X" and said 45mins to finish. I then went "oh crap" and googled it on my phone and then found out what it was. I am lucky I didn't lose my stuff like some people I know did. I would have been LIVID. I want to back things up before I change OS!


posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 06:49 AM

reply to post by mblahnikluver

At least it installed for you. It killed my Mac and then my external HDD!
took over 27 hours to recover only part of what I lost.


I would have been arrested for going to Apple and causing a scene if that had happened. I have all my sons pics on my desktop. I am putting them on my little USB drive today. I don't have anything on this computer. I got it in May for Mothers Day from my husband and didn't start using it til August when we moved. So I've only been using it for a few months if that. I don't live by the Apple store, it's about 45mins or so away and this is a desktop so it's not so easy to just take to the Apple store.

I am calling them today. I have a feeling there will be wait with all the problems they have been having with this.

One thing I can't seem to do is UPDATE!! It won't let me update and I have 4.
edit on 11/12/2013 by mblahnikluver because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 07:10 AM
And here is the thing for non-Mac users. Always before, an OS upgrade never messed up previous things. Even your bookmarks would stay in place or be easily retrieved. This sent them all all packing. Fortunately, Garageband was a free update (yeah, it was a selling point) but the previous projects are hosed, as is the iTunes and iPhoto Libraries. I can't even find the mp3's nor jpeg files for either. They are there somewhere, because it certainly didn't free up any Hard Drive space. But the files are now hidden, somewhere.

Come to think of it, the only time there was a "no look back" policy was the change to OS X (which had a Classic emulator) and the switch to all Intel chips (which also had minor support for a short time for those with Motorola processors). Sorry Apple, but this was a change that needed more beta testing and not just unleashed like the update that turned off java...

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 09:28 AM
Don't take this the wrong way, but this is just another reason why most of us with computers don't have an apple logo on their case. Apple's business practices alone are enough to keep me from wanting any of their products, not to mention the "award winning" software they produce. Then throw in a sprinkle of proprietary hardware and lack of any memory upgrade slots on their mobile devices, and you have something that many of us would never be interested in owning.

I guess I just don't understand why someone would want to own the PC version of the "betamax" when their are far better options out there. Is it for the simplicity of an Apple?

On a side note the Mac's were particularly bad when they used the Motorola processors, but the Intel varieties are really nothing to write home about either.

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