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DHS and FEMA Prepare for Power Grid Drill

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posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 05:27 PM
Guess that explains why my phone automatically hangs up on people. I have to have it on the charger constantly, or it hangs up. Weird.

And if I can't play my MMORPG game, I'm going to go spastic.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 05:30 PM
The sun is all prepared. It's been testing it's flash unit this week so it can get a good picture of how prepared we are. There is another active set of sunspots coming around the corner, just in time for the test on the 13th.

I hope we get a big event so the governments preparedness testing won't go to waste. It will give a little excitement to have the lites go out for a day. I wonder if my wife can use her sick leave on that day?

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by Rosinitiate

You don`t have to worry about it coming back up because nothing is going down. They aren`t going to be turning the electric off anywhere.This "drill" is just going to be a brainstorming session.This topic has been posted on ATS several times in the past few months and an accurate description of what the drill is all about has been posted complete with links to the website.
For the benefit of those who didn`t see those other threads or who saw them but chose to ignore them here`s a quote and a link for the GridEx II 2013 website.

This is a simulated exercise to practice crisis response and information sharing. No real power outages will occur due to this exercise

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by Tardacus

I've clicked a few links and read a few articles. I am generally aware of what it is but don't care enough to research it. My original point is obviously lost. Regardless, my understanding still differs from yours but again, I'm not that concerned or interested. Unless of course everything goes out and I freeze my ass off because i was more interested in posting nonesense online instead of preparing a bug out kit.

Btw 911 was supposed to be simulated.

edit on 11-11-2013 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 08:06 PM
link" target="_blank" class="postlink"> like the Chinese are also going to be involved.

For the first time in history the U.S. Army will host the Communist Peoples Republic of China’s Army on American soil Nov. 12-14, 2013.

But don’t worry while Chinese soldiers will have boots on the ground in Hawaii, they are only really “simulating”.

“Simulating humanitarian assistance and disaster relief to a fictional third country”.

You can’t make this stuff up when GridEx 2 is doing it for you.

GridEx 2 (there was already a GridEx 1in November of 2011) is a massive ‘emergency drill’ planned to take place across the whole of North America with thousands of utility workers, business executives, National Guard officers, FBI antiterrorism experts and officials from government agencies, in the United States, Canada and Mexico (who) are preparing for an emergency drill in November that will simulate physical attacks and cyberattacks that could take down large sections of the power grid. (New York Times, Aug. 16, 2013).

The exercise is touted

The New York Times reported on GridEx 2’s massive, Nov. 13-14 drill on August 16, but never mentioned the participation of the Peoples Republic of China’s Army.

China’s Xinhua Agencies kicked in on November 6 reporting that American and Chinese soldiers will train together in the November exercise.

“The US military Pacific Commander, Samuel Locklear, said here Tuesday that a joint humanitarian assistance and disaster relief exercise to be held this month helps improve the relationship between the United States and China.” (Xinhua Agencies, Nov. 6, 2013)

edit on 11-11-2013 by Toolman18 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 08:09 PM
I don't see how the OP is showing any sign of being overly paranoid, or perpetuating doom-porn at all. It's like a lot of users are on auto-pilot to just smash the OP's thread to pieces without even giving it a thought. The OP has a very valid basis for bringing this event to attention.

Sure... Soldiers, police officers, firefighters and first responders perform drills all the time to sharpen their skills, and prepare for a number of worst-case scenarios so that they are ready to handle real-world situations. However, as the OP pointed out, there have been peculiar instances where a "drill" is pre-scheduled for the same day as a real attack, or soon before or after, or coincidentally preoccupies people who would normally prevent or respond to such an event. Basically, these days "drill" equates to "It's not unlikely that something bad might happen there or near by."

Estonia Sinking (1994) - The day before the ferry sank, killing almost 1,000 people, NATO was onboard conducting an exercise where the ferry had been bombed in a terrorist attack.

Oklahoma City (1995) - The FBI and BATF were seen by numerous witnesses at the federal courthouse in the morning, before the bombing of the federal building. When questioned about what they were doing there, the official response was "conducting an anti-terror drill".

Twin Towers (2001) - Eastern air defense of NORAD was preoccupied with a number of drills planned for the 11th or 12th. One of which, Vigilant Guardian, dealt specifically with a hijacked plane crashing into a building. Former Mayor Julianni even said to the 9-11 Commission, "... the reason Pier 92 was selected as a command center was because on the next day, on September 12, Pier 92 was going to have a drill..." Among many other examples for this particular event, but who doesn't know about these things already???

Madrid Bombings (2004) - NATO nations were carrying out CMX-04, a crisis management exercise simulating terrorist attacks with weapons of mass destruction. The day after the exercises ended, real bombings took place in Madrid.

London Bombings (2005) - Police were running a drill the same day that involved terrorists bombing the London subways. Oddly, the Mayor of New York, Rudy Julianni was also in London giving a speech on security in regards to terrorist threats.

Norway Oslo Attacks (2011) - In 2010, anti-terrorist police units were carrying out live bomb drills, simulating events identical to what would occur about a year later. The day of, the same anti-terrorist police units were conducting drills near an opera house when the bombing began.

Bostom Marathon (2013) - A few months prior to the attack, a drill called Operation Urban Shield was scheduled to take place at a building across from the library. That building across from the library is exactly where a bomb went off during the marathon.

... and more...

I'm not implying "drill" is synonymous with "False flag events" or "terrorist plots", but I'd say there's more than a fair amount of (we'll call them) extreme coincidences to cut the OP some slack.

Personally, I'm sure the power will come back on (if it goes off at all), and we'll all be here on the 14th. BUT - if anything bad comes of it, then we have the OP to thank for a great starting point to dig up some dirt and expose potential shenanigans!

~ Cheers!

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 09:01 PM
You would almost think that people drill on things they expect to happen. Well of course they do, you would not drill on things you don't expect to happen. The entire idea of drills is they are suppose to be relevant.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

I completely agree with your point. However, considering most (if not all) real threats to our security and safety would never be shared with us directly, a drill could also mean that a threat is suspected or even imminent. Something that our government has gathered intelligence on perhaps?

For example, in the case of the Boston Marathon, weren't the authorities investigating the suspects for years prior to the attack? The drill that was supposed to be conducted across from the library could have very well been in preparation for the possibility of the event that occurred that day. So, the correlation doesn't necessarily have to be malicious, but it doesn't exclude the possibility of foreshadowing events to come.

Better to err on the side of caution I would think.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 09:32 PM
How I see it is quite simple. Be ready for anything! How one goes about it is their own idea anyway. You have to do it in life, during the day, your future when you get old.

Lets see if I have everything accounted for. Comets, 5 now and counting! Gov. Shutdown since really now, US is Broke! China and Russan Troops here. Japans nuke waste water flowing freely everywhere. Possible large Quake in the eastern part of US. Sun doing its thing. Aliens live underground working with humans or now in control. Some massive computer, AI messing with us. Sinkholes, best sleep with a 2x6x20 just in case!

Have I missed anything? How does one actually get themselves ready! Well for one here's a good way to start. Don't worry yet plan ahead! Since you really do not know; Hell it is possible US sold itself to China in some odd way.

Knowing Man, one must think of the first 2-4 months! It will be Madness on the street since the ones who say Nothing is happening their not ready! Save yourself some time and stock up some when it is safe period! So nothing does happen yet at least you'll have some back up if say you break a leg and unable to go to work for some time!

Better to be somewhat ready and be prepared then get caught unguarded thinking its okay out there when you know it could come to WW3. No one wants to see that!

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 09:42 PM

reply to post by MrSpad

I completely agree with your point. However, considering most (if not all) real threats to our security and safety would never be shared with us directly, a drill could also mean that a threat is suspected or even imminent. Something that our government has gathered intelligence on perhaps?

For example, in the case of the Boston Marathon, weren't the authorities investigating the suspects for years prior to the attack? The drill that was supposed to be conducted across from the library could have very well been in preparation for the possibility of the event that occurred that day. So, the correlation doesn't necessarily have to be malicious, but it doesn't exclude the possibility of foreshadowing events to come.

Better to err on the side of caution I would think.

Yet somehow the info comes later, we knew but did not do nothing. So always something did not get passed on, left on the table, computer errors and the like.

Still the fine line of drill to it actually happens would be this. While during the drill, our dumb brains left us wide open to attack. Opp's! Even this drill has come with so many ideas, power off, independant operations, Now the whole Upper and lower; basicly all this land mass here from top to bottom.

Just missing One phone call could mess this whole thing up! Its almost expected to happen.
Opps! Has happened before.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 09:52 PM


reply to post by gardener

yall knows what dat means, right? means nothing...see you on the 14th.
Chicken little syndrome is alive and well on ats.

The paranoid,believe everything you read,mentally ill people here will never cease to amaze me.
Not saying you are mentally ill...thats for different threads.

edit on 11-11-2013 by DrumsRfun because: (no reason given)

We haven't had any good doom porn in a while, and you are making it really hard for me to get my doom porn fix with comments like that.

exactly .. !!

Power grid outages never happen.. drills never happen and it's all doom porn..

IRS Advises of Power Outage Ahead of Grid Ex Electricity Drill: “This service will be unavailable” - See more at: dpuf

The following message has appeared on at least 50 pages of the web site within the last 48 hours, though the alert is not being displayed on most areas of the site:

Planned Outage: November 9 — November 12, 2013
This service will be unavailable beginning approximately 4:00 p.m. ET on Saturday, November 9, 2013 until approximately 7:00 a.m. ET on Tuesday, November 12, 2013, due to a power outage. We apologize for any inconvenience.

- See more at: dpuf

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 01:47 AM
The guv'mint is constantly drilling...and yet every disaster and terror attack seems to catch them with their pants down.

I HOPE there's a conspiracy; otherwise the entire system is run by fools.

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 03:47 AM
Funny enough we're supposed to receive a glancing blow from a couple of CMEs released by our sun a few days ago on November 8th and 10th. Apparently they have to merged into a "single cannibalized cloud". Guess what day we can expect this glancing blow? That's right the 13th of November.
Minor Storm Warning

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 11:03 AM

Funny enough we're supposed to receive a glancing blow from a couple of CMEs released by our sun a few days ago on November 8th and 10th. Apparently they have to merged into a "single cannibalized cloud". Guess what day we can expect this glancing blow? That's right the 13th of November.
Minor Storm Warning

The plot thickens...

That's a pretty interesting find. Aren't CMEs and the like known for the potential to...

disrupt radio transmissions and cause damage to satellites and electrical transmission line facilities, resulting in potentially massive and long-lasting power outages.

SOURCE: Wikipedia

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 03:00 PM

The guv'mint is constantly drilling...and yet every disaster and terror attack seems to catch them with their pants down.

I HOPE there's a conspiracy; otherwise the entire system is run by fools.

Snicker snicker, no conspiracy here. The entire system IS run by fools.

edit on 12-11-2013 by StoutBroux because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 03:12 PM
The government would save money if they got the power drill from Menards. After all, it's only going to be used for a couple of days....Elect me for president, I'll save the taxpayers a bundle.

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 03:20 PM
Out of interest, would ATSers rather that their Govt and rescue services held drill to practice what to do in the event of an unlikely, but not impossible, disaster?

Or rather they didn't?

I guess many would rather they did else they would have anything to send them into their tinfoil hats - whereasa most nonATSers would rather they did, to reassure them that if the worse happened, folk would know what to do.

It's like fire drills: are they proof that TPTB are planning a fire to kill us? Or a good thing because folk will know what to do in the very unlikely event of a fire?

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 03:42 PM
OH NO. That means that all the EX boxes, playstations, computers and t.v's will be down. We are all going to turn into zombies those days, time to PANIC.

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by AndyMayhew
i agree with you... But like the fire drill in school scenarios, you are trained, along with the teachers, and the fire dept on what to do in case of a fire! Just wondering if any public citizens and their neighbors have been trained on what to do, if the power goes out for an extended period of time? Maybe if the public was informed or included in the drills, then those being paranoid about things might feel a little better about unknown power outage drills!

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 08:11 PM
funny how so many can simply dismiss a drill as not gonna happen,.
two recents
Boston bombing
Everything is planned folks..
We dont have events in the in the US unless the string pullers want the dance.

might be a good idea to keep your car full of gas
and food/water at home just in case the "Drill" gets real

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