posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 07:07 PM
On-topic sorta off-topic:
I remember about three years ago i was with my brother, ex military, and he was telling me about the testing the Navy was doing with rail guns -
pertaining to the recent 2014 next gen "battleship" (loose term) they released to the public about a year ago. I didnt buy it, but didnt doubt the
capabilities we have. There was, in fact, a lot of testing being done. one such test was hitting an engine block of a truck two miles off the coast
with said rail gun. Apparently it succeeded in the trials. Interesting to see if this is the same tech we'll see oporational here pretty soon.
Investing in wars (to the goverment) IS fixing the economy. Though this day in age the intentions seem vague...or jaded...there's still something
afoot. I'd rather put my cards in the "the USA is playing a gnarly game of ropadope" rather than "we're a bunch of a**holes." well...could be
In either case. I'd rather us have the tech, than not. Most people see it as unnessassary funding and all i the only one here that thinks
money is a MYTH? We like to think its tangible. But really? is it that real? (I mean this in the perspective of the big banks and the goverment entity
itself...we see it differently has hard working americans...but the bigger picture...whats its true worth?)