reply to post by pheonix358
Damned good answer.
A great motivator.
On that we can agree. The question is who is peddling fear and what is the agenda? Also and I'm being quite sincere, thank you for your service.
I believe your assumptions are inherently flawed.
- Gun owners are more afraid of a ban on guns that will never happen than anyone on the left is afraid of domestic terrorism
- The domestic terrorism fear mongering is a relatively recent thing, particularly since the LAX shooting
In addition to the ban on guns, the conservative MSM outlets are pushing fear of the following:
- Economic collapse brought on by social welfare programs
- Loss of healthcare/rationing/death panels/economic collapse because of the PPACA
- Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the government
- Shariah law taking hold in the mid-west
- Communism/Socialism taking hold in the US
- Illegal immigrants being responsible for taking jobs
- Government regulations and labor unions preventing us from creating new jobs (never mind that our corporations sent our jobs to the Chinese where
people work for pennies an hour)
- Crony capitalism (Solyndra) causing wasteful spending
- Drone strikes on Americans
- The false dilemma that somehow the left is solely responsible for unconstitutional surveillance of Americans when these programs all started in the
previous administration after the signing of the Patriot Act
These are just the recent things. The previous administration trampled our rights and told us it was for our own good because of Islamic terrorism. So
what are people on the left being made to be afraid of through propaganda? There is very little support for gun control even among liberals. Those
liberals who support gun control legislation tend to be in favor of enhanced pre-checks or bans on high capacity clips. One noticeable instance of
fear mongering I can see in terms of guns on the left is the made up "assault weapon" meme that is easy to pass off because AR15s look scary to the
average person.
Somebody should conduct a fear poll and ask people what they are afraid of and how they self-describe politically, I think the results would be
enlightening. Fear is definitely a powerful tool of control.
edit on 7-11-2013 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)