Nuts and Bolts. A paranormal experience.
The following is a rendition of an experience I had when I was young. My narrative is spoken generally, but the experiences are as near true
remembrances as I can manage.
What I encountered has been, by others, labeled an “apport”. While “teleportation”, according to these definitions refers to a “person”
transferring from one physical position to another without physical movement in between, through another dimension, an “apport is the transference
of “a physical object” from one physical postion to another with out physical movement but rather through some other dimension.
Day One
It was 1968 when my brother, several friends, and I were all renting a two-bedroom townhouse. The two bedrooms were up-stairs, which necessitated two
guys in one room and three in the other. We were all 18 to 20 years old.
To avoid the three to a bedroom crush, I opted to take my twin-sized mattress down stairs and stick it in the down stairs closet, which was situated
beneath the staircase. This left me enough room for a small dresser and stereo along with the bedding in my own private closet.
Late one afternoon, I was home alone and in my closet, listening to Jean Sibelius on my earphones and I had just finished listening to the third
movement of his 2nd Symphony when my friend Mike came in the back door. Mike and I had been best friends through three years of high school and we had
remained hooked at the hip on into college.
When I came out of the closet, we discussed the third movement for a bit (both of us being musicians) and then looked around for something else to do.
We were out of herb, so what ever we did, we would have to be sober. Our wallets were empty so that meant that there was no money for beer either. So
we might as well stay home.
I made the suggestion of playing with the Ouija board. A few weeks before, we had been at a party and one of the girls there was heavy into it and it
had provided a somewhat more than boring evening. So we pulled out the second hand board that someone had left with us and began to use it.
At the time, our weak understanding of the nature of the occult was simple. Every person has a soul. Every person has a guardian who watches over that
person. While using the board one might communicate with ones own guardian or someone else’s guardian. This was as I mentioned, a simple
We sat on the floor with the board between us on our knees. At first there was no movement of the indicator on the board. Slowly the indicator began
to move around the board when suddenly it abruptly stopped, then, jumped from beneath our hands and shot across the room.
We gaped at each other in astonishment and retrieved the indicator. We sat down again and for the next ten minutes or so, it moved around the board,
spelling out your general gibberish and moldy answers. We thought we were speaking first with the guardian of the girl we had met a few weeks earlier,
and then it changed and we were told that we were in communication with my guardian. Both, her guardian and mine kept telling us that we would soon be
visited by Nuts and Bolts. When pressed as to the identity of Nuts and Bolts, all it would say was Nuts and Bolts is coming, Nuts and Bolts is
After a short time, we were in the middle of a long-winded reply, when the indicator again came to an abrupt stop. It then began to circle the board,
first slowly, then with more speed and forcefulness. It was so energetic that I could feel energy coursing through my hand and up into my arm. It
circled the board faster and faster and faster, then again abruptly came to a stop.
Mike asked the board, who was visiting now. It replied Nuts and Bolts.
I asked, Nuts and Bolts? It replied, Nuts and Bolts, then it began circling the board again. We asked it to stop and it did.
It was Mike who came up with a possible identity on Nuts and Bolts. He suggested that if each of us has a soul and each of us has a guardian, maybe
Nuts and Bolts could be the guardian of things, which are inanimate, things, which do not have souls. He offered this question to the board and we
were answered in the affirmative. Like I said, our understanding was simple. But if this were the case, then we figured we had a big power on the
At this point, we decided to ask for some form of proof. If Nuts and Bolts were as powerful as it suggested, it might be able to manifest in some
physical manner rather than just through the indicator. When asked, it said it would.
So we asked if it would move something for us.
It said it would
We asked “what will you move for us?”.
It said “thumb”.
It said, “thumb”.
We waited. After a few more minutes of waiting I asked it where we should wait. It said “in your room”. I asked, “in my closet?” It said
We got up from the floor and I climbed into the closet and Mike went to the kitchen for some water. As I was scrunching down into the closet to make
room for Mike, something scrapped against my side. As I had been in there for over an hour a short while before listening to Sibelius, I was a bit
nonplussed at the discomfort of some strange item sticking me in my bed. I reached down to pull it out and found myself holding a cardboard thumb tack
board filled with thumb tacks.
I quickly got out of the closet and showed Mike the thumbtack board. He was not impressed. We went back to the board and said that that had been a
cute little presentation. It replied “Thank.” We then asked “thank?”. It replied “S!”
We took this to mean that we had cut if off before it could properly spell out thumbtacks.
Well this was not enough for Mike, not enough proof. So we asked it again if it would move something for us and it again said yes. We asked what and
it said that we should choose.
We both then looked at a cigarette lighter we had sitting on the end table near us. It was an antique lighter in the shape of a bulldog, sitting on
its haunches. It wore a suit and top hat and had a cigar sticking out of its mouth. The head had been made to flip back and expose the lighter but
the hinge had broken and the head sat loosely on the body.
We asked the board if it would move the dog’s head, thinking that maybe it could swivel the head to the right or the left. Nuts and Bolts said it
would, but that it would take time and patience from the two of us. We asked when would it move something and it said it would happen before anyone
else came home.
After some time, it told us to go up stairs and look around and mentioned several times the word “cone”. We had upstairs, a big, orange road cone
used to mark off areas of road construction which we had modified into a large hooka. So we went upstairs and looked around for something obvious that
we would know as proof of Nuts and Bolts but found nothing. We came back down stairs. Mike went into the bathroom to take a leak, and I went back to
the Quija board and glanced at the bulldog. The head of the bulldog was gone.
I staggered over to the bathroom and told Mike, upon which he immediately came out and we went back to the board. We asked it where we could find the
dogs head and it told us it was in my room. We went over to my closet, opened the door and found the dogs head sitting on my pillow.
We put the dogs head back on the dogs body and sat down when the door opened and my brother walked it. It had happened before anyone else had come
We told my brother the story and he was interested so we sat down with the board again and it told us again to go up stairs, mentioning the word cone
again. My brother went up the stairs followed by Mike with me brining up the rear, checking out the bulldog and its head as I left. We looked around
again looking for something obvious, looked under the road cone hooka and found nothing. As we were getting ready to go back down the stairs again, I
lifted the road cone one last time and found nothing. As I set it back down, my brother screamed and fell to the floor in limp shock.
He said, Terry, I swear, just before you put it back down, it wasn’t there and then it was. I lifted the cone again and there was the dogs head
sitting on the rug beneath it.
For the next two weeks, we fiddled with the board but nothing like the dramatic events of the first night happened again until two weeks later.
During this time, Mike’s girl friend had moved in with us so I had relinquished the closet room to let them have it for some privacy and I had moved
upstairs to share a room with my brother.
Two Weeks Later
Day Two.
I worked the grave shift and had gone to bed at nine in the morning. Around noon, Mike and his girl friend came up to ask me if they could borrow some
money. I was asleep so they went to my wallet, took out a five-dollar bill. As they did this I woke up and asked what they were doing in my wallet.
They showed me the five-dollar bill and said that the ouija board had told them that I had some money to lend them. The thing was though, I was broke,
and had been for two days. Enough time to have checked out my wallet a half dozen times looking for any money, which might have gotten tucked up in a
corner or under a flap or something. I had had an empty wallet, yet at the ouija boards insistence,
they had come up and found the money in my wallet.
At this time we did some speculating as to the moral implications of money being transferred to us through some supernatural means. Was this stealing
or something?
We didn’t know and let it go. Of course we hoped that it could come up with something bigger, and lots of it, but when questioned about this the
reply was tha this money was just a prop to be used to demonstrate the possibilities around us.
To make a long story short, the next hour, with just the three of us in the house, was filled with phenomenon. The five-dollar bill, as well as the
dog’s head began making other than physical movement from one place to another around the house. Always beyond our sight. We would put the dogs head
under an inverted cup, be asked to go to the other room and look under the cone, only to find that the dogs head had transported from the cup in one
room to under the cone in another. Sometimes, the dog’s head and the five-dollar bill would just exchange places. Most of the rest of that hour is a
I was as cautious as I could be about watching my best friend Mike and his girl friend to make sure that things were not being moved around by them. I
deliberately was the last to see the head or the money go under the cup or the cone and the first to check to see if there was any movement.
The most remarkable event of that afternoon was at one point, I put the fiver dollar bill under the cup and put the cup down. I then waited a few
seconds and lifted it up again only to find that the five dollar bill was gone. Putting the cup back down and immediately lifting it back up, I found
the money returned to its place under the inverted cup.
Day Three
Finally, though we used the board a lot over the next week or so, again nothing dramatic occurred other than weird movement by the indicator. Jumping
out from beneath our fingers and tipping up on the back end and scooting around like it was doing a wheely.
So. Three weeks later I had mostly lost interest in the board. I had seen what I wanted to see. Proof for myself of other worldly phenomenon. By this
time, other people had been coming and going hoping for some kind of miracles to happen but none did.
So, that afternoon we had finally gotten some herb, and I had gotten tired and laid down on the couch and dozed off. As I lay there, I thought that I
felt a presence come through the wall and sit on the far end of the couch. I thought this might be Nuts and Bolts. I asked the two people using the
board over in the kitchen if there was a new presence in the room. They asked the board if there was and it said yes. I asked who is it and they told
me the reply was Nuts and Bolts. I asked where Nuts and Bolts was and the answer from the board was, sitting on the end of the couch.
I can recall these incidences pretty clearly as they left little for interpretation. Either I believed they were happening or I didn’t. I might have
taken the whole experience as a drug induced hallucination. I ruled this out as I was never under the influence of any drug except for the final
I might have written the experience off as being manipulated by my best friend and or my brother. Through the years, both have denied any personal
manipulations of the dogs head or the money. I supposed that after a time at least one or the other would have fessed up as to pulling my leg, but
neither ever has.
What I have settled on is that I was presented with a number of very rare paranormal manifestations. Though the manifestations remain pretty clear to
my memory, the other things which were spoken of through this ouija board have faded over the years as they were always open to interpretation in any
What we called Nuts and Bolts offered us quite a bit of urging towards personal development and exploration. We were told that what we were
experiencing was possible, but that in order for it to happen, certain energies and contingencies were needed in order for the manifestations to
happen. We were told that the paranormal experiences would only go on for a short time and that their meaning would be up to us to decide for
This is the first time I have written all of this down. Most likely, for most who take the time to read through my ramblings, it will amount to
nothing more than that. Ramblings of a decaying mind on a strange little website.
I offer this tale not as proof, for proof of anything is in the mind of the beholder. It is not even proof for me, for exactly what it might be proof
of remains even now, open for my own personal musings. I offer it here, as I suppose it may be interesting to someone else .
I think that one persons proof is not anothers. Mine is not yours as I can assure you, yours is not mine. I think that we all have inklings in one
manner or another of something beyond our ordinary, easily accepted existence. This is one of mine.