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Genealogy Sites: Collecting Medical Information for Eugenics Programs?

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posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 05:49 PM
Genealogy sites centralize a HUGE amount of personal and medical information. Information that is protected by privacy laws - unless it's offered freely. This information easily could be used to identify "defectives" and "inferior bloodlines" for targeting by Eugenicists. Eugenics never really went away - just went underground and got re-packaged as "genetics." Then, turned out the Human Genome has just 20,000 protein-coding genes - waaayyyy less than expected - and Eugenicists started scrambling. Now, the Eugenics Movement is trying to appropriate and misrepresent the science of epigenetics to prove their discrimination. Then coincidentally, along come a raft of free genealogy sites - centralizing a HUGE amount of personal and medical information that is protected by privacy laws - unless it's offered freely.

...what epigenetics does is essentially like a 'software' program written on the DNA 'hardware'. You stress the organisms and they adapt to the stimuli. The pattern of adaptation may be passed down to the next generation, especially if the stress continues.

...epigenetics has thrown a real surprise into the evolutionary theory mix.

Epigenetic inheritance? It's Lamarckable!

It turns out that it's not just our genes that we pass on to our kids — they can inherit those epigenetic patterns of which genes are switched on and which are off too. If your dad took up smoking in primary school, he not only affected his own health and pocket money, he also increased the odds that you were chunky as a kid. And if your grandparents were gluttons while they were growing up you're not only more likely to be obese, your life expectancy is shortened. Their underage smoking and overeating didn't change the DNA or genes they passed on, but you might have inherited their 'epigenes' — the on/off gene switching pattern — along with their genes. That's the power of epigenetics!

...Diseases and development are complex things, but the mechanisms behind epigenetics couldn't be simpler. They're the molecular equivalent of throwing a spanner in the genetic works.

As to what your Übermenschen are being selected for... Obviously they're looking for a specific racial image. However, within that image can be a range of body types: large strong people for shock troops (trained all their lives to be large strong people before having kids), short skinny nimble folks for acrobats or assassins (agility training), etc etc. We don't yet know all the genes that govern intelligence, but if your scientists only let the top test takers have sex with other people you'd have a group powerfully motivated to study, learn, and remember.

Paranoia? What do you think?

Thanks, sofi

edit on 6/11/13 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 06:33 PM
Wonderful thread!

I did a thread a bit back about the human zoo, and eugenics today, and no one seems that concerned with it all. Its alive and well, and with the growing number of people thinking that this is for the betterment of humanity, time will tell how detrimental this will be for almost all "undesirables" on the planet.


Peace, NRE.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 06:59 PM
Never looked at it that way, seems very plausible. You know I was watching a show a long while back where they developed this test for breast cancer from genes from this lady that had some kind of mutation that protected her from the type of cancer, well some how it got patented and the company made millions and she didn't make a dime even though it was her genetics that help create the test. Same goes for a man that was immune to the aids virus. They could be doing this type of thing also with these peoples genetics...But i'm wondering if these geneology/dna testing sites have some kind of privacy where nothing is shared, but only to you.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 07:53 PM
Seems quite possible. I know I went to one of those sites on the weekend and before receiving information they sure wanted a lot from me, which I was not going to give. Maybe after all this spying on us, I am becoming more protective of the little it of privacy I have left, but so be it. They will exploit because they can get away with it, it seems.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver


Would you please post the link to your Eugenics thread?

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Ragnarokkr

...i'm wondering if these geneology/dna testing sites have some kind of privacy where nothing is shared, but only to you.

Sure they do.

btw - I have a bridge that's been in the family for generations but I'm thinking of putting it on the market. Are you interested? You're an ATS member so I'll give you a great price...

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by soficrow

Here is part 1.

Human Zoo's: Science's Dirty (BIG) Secret Revealed

Part 2.

The NEW Human Zoo! We Are ALL Part Of The New/Old Experiment!

Let me know what you think I am subscribed to this thread.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by aboutface

...they sure wanted a lot from me, which I was not going to give. Maybe after all this spying on us, I am becoming more protective of the little it of privacy I have left, but so be it. They will exploit because they can get away with it, it seems.

Good for you. Protect your privacy! And yes, they exploit - and yes, they get away with it. Just think of the treasure-trove when some buyer integrates the info from the genealogy sites with Facebook's data. Guaranteed to ID the defectives, and separate the superior from the inferior human stock.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by soficrow

Here is something to ponder, if this subject is not serious enough for some of you.

If your genetics are being used in order to find defects in future generations, how much of your past are you aware of? You could have a wacky great, great, great grandfather that killed a bunch of people, so according to genetics someone in your "line" is prone to another outburst.

Maybe you have bad eyesight, well thats not good enough for the new more perfect people, so that is yet another thing that needs to be stopped. If you think for one second that this is NOT possible here, this is one of the places that it originated from.

During the Nuremberg trails the doctors that had practiced horrific methods of finding the "perfect race" claim that they got the original blueprint from the US.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Ah. The search for immortality and better peasants. The most amusing thing imho is that people who want designer babies have to use use "fertility clinics" either way. Can't these people get the hint? I mean, how much clearer can it be? ...Survival of the fittest, indeed.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 01:15 PM
Mormons can take over the world if they wanted too. If you look, all the big genealogy sites are owned by....Mormons. So no, no eugenics programs. The Mormons have the largest genelogical database in the world. They just like collecting it.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 01:24 PM

reply to post by soficrow

Here is something to ponder, if this subject is not serious enough for some of you.

If your genetics are being used in order to find defects in future generations, how much of your past are you aware of? You could have a wacky great, great, great grandfather that killed a bunch of people, so according to genetics someone in your "line" is prone to another outburst.

Maybe you have bad eyesight, well thats not good enough for the new more perfect people, so that is yet another thing that needs to be stopped. If you think for one second that this is NOT possible here, this is one of the places that it originated from.

During the Nuremberg trails the doctors that had practiced horrific methods of finding the "perfect race" claim that they got the original blueprint from the US.

Peace, NRE.

Actually I do hae a wacky great great great grandfather that killed people.

You are all shocked, I am sure.

Fact is, whether people know it or not, everyone has mutations and flaws. There is no such thing as a perfect human being.

everyone would be suspect.
edit on 8-11-2013 by nixie_nox because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by soficrow

I knew that this was coming one way or the other, see in my conspirators mind I believe that this sites are not only trying to sell a service to the consumer but gathering the data at the same time for their own private banks for studies or to sell to the big DNA data base.

And why not, most people are willing to give away a part of themselves why no making them pay for it at the same time.

The sites in questions are to make profits two or more times and perhaps even much more because once they get the DNA they can do with them whatever they want and just tell the people a lie.

Who needs a law that requires people to give away their DNA when people are willing to give away and pay for it at the same time.

The irony.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 01:37 PM
Just to clarify, it is expensive to run geology sites, that is why they charge. We get spoiled with free use sites but they provide some information free that you would otherwise have to pay for. Unfortunately, genealogy in general is an expensive hobby.
As far as collecting info, the Mormons have been doing this sine the 1800s. If they were ramping up for eugenics, it would of been obvious by now.

edit on 8-11-2013 by nixie_nox because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by nixie_nox

If you look, all the big genealogy sites are owned by....Mormons. So no, no eugenics programs. The Mormons have the largest genelogical database in the world. They just like collecting it.

Yipes. Mormons are all about Eugenics! That's why they're so big into genealogy. Their push is mostly "positive" Eugenics, true, but there is HUGE faction in the church that supports negative Eugenics policies.

...Their genealogy records are used to identify "good breeding stock" and "good breeding partners" - to encourage marriages between "genetically superior" partners for breeding better quality children, and to discourage "bad" liaisons that might result in "genetically inferior" children.

edit on 9/11/13 by soficrow because: to add quote

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by marg6043

...Who needs a law that requires people to give away their DNA when people are willing to give away and pay for it at the same time.

The irony.

You got it. ...Social and medical histories, DNA, epigenetic profiles soon enough, proteomic profiles, everything.

No kidding, the irony.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by nixie_nox

...As far as collecting info, the Mormons have been doing this sine the 1800s. If they were ramping up for eugenics, it would of been obvious by now.

It IS obvious. It's also obvious that the Mormon church's expansion into genealogy sites for the general population has to do with its fundamentalist expansion, and introduction/acceptance of "unknown breeding stock" into the Mormon fold.

A primer:

Mormons and Genetics

At the University of Virginia I had a colleague who is very interested in the history of genetics, and knows that I'm a Mormon. So for a number of years he has been collecting articles for me from turn of the century professional journals that refer to eugenics in the context of Mormonism; and he has come up with some very interesting stuff. ...

...I am citing from three articles:
"Brigham Young: An Illustration of Prepotency," of Heredity (formerly, as it says on its masthead, the American Breeders Journal) vol.VII(2), Feb.1916, pp 51-54;
"The Offspring of the Mormon People," Journal of Heredity XV (2), Feb. 1924, pp 55-68; and
"Eugenics and Mormonism," in volume I of Eugenics: A Journal of Race Betterment, vol I, November 1928, pp. 5-8.

...The science of eugenics is a population science. That means that it depends heavily upon the use of statistics to bolster its conclusions. ...

...One cause for this marvelous eugenic situation is that the "church has in its young people's organizations made a definite and systematic effort to teach better mate selection."

...Mormonism faces two threats to its otherwise excellent practice. The author worries about the effect of possible fundamentalism on their excellent practice:

* So long as the Mormon stock is as good as it is now, ...the result of their high fecundity will be eugenic. ...the scientific spirit of the age now pervading youth would cause a re-selection of the Mormon personnel in that only the relatively less intellectual would remain or be allowed to continue in the Mormon church, and only less intellectual persons would be converts. In such an event, the result would be dysgenic.
* The other threat to sound eugenics is from the "very effective" Women's Relief Society, which "now doles out money [and other forms of support] to many morons and feeble minded and other defectives, and tolerates in this way the production of defective children. This, he argues, is unsound from the standpoint of Mormon theory, and he cites in support of this claim Apostle Parley P. Pratt, who is quoted as saying "the law of God would not suffer the idiot, the confirmed irreclaimable drunkard, the man of hereditary disease or of vicious habits, to possess or retain a wife." is up to us as individuals, as progenitors and as citizens, to educate ourselves and to think about eugenics and genetics ...

edit on 9/11/13 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/11/13 by soficrow because: format

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by nixie_nox

Also of interest: Some Mormons argue the Eugenics Movement started in the Mormon church before Galton coined the term “eugenics” in his 1883 book Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development. The evidence includes the following:

[Mormon]George Q. Cannon was called to the Quorum of the Twelve in 1860. Three years earlier, in 1857, he was serving as the President of the California and Oregon missions, and from San Francisco he published The Western Standard, a Mormon newspaper. The August 7 issue contained an article he apparently wrote entitled “The Improvement of Our Species.” Here are some excerpts from that article (emphasis added):

“… Experience has long since taught mankind the necessity of observing certain natural laws in the propagation of animals, or the stock will degenerate and finally become extinct. But strange to say, in regard to the human animal, these laws, except in certain particulars, are more or less disregarded in these latter times. The inevitable consequence is, the race is degenerating, new diseases are introduced, while effeminacy and barrenness are on the increase: and worse than all, this evil condition of the body has its effects upon the mind…

Doubtless it is and ought to be the duty of legislators and conservators of our race, to introduce such regulations and laws, and enforce them, as are best calculated to develope [sic] our physical nature. A well formed, healthy, vigorous race should be the end sought. ...

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