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Got My Insurance Cancellation Letter Today (Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield)

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posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:18 PM

You are a member of the Green Party. That explains a lot.

Why won't you acknowledge then that the ACA is a mess created solely by the Democrats?

What kind of social reform do you want? The Green Party leans heavily toward socialism and communism, and explains your strong emotional words about Republicans. But don't worry too much and I guess I shouldn't either because with the world wide population implosion (check out the latest population stats and infant mortality stats) within 12 generations there will be no one left to get health care. The Green Party will have succeeded and nasty humans will no longer despoil the earth or the animals.

Your words sound as though you have no compassion for the people who will be bankrupted with the ACA, you actually sound gleeful.
edit on 6-11-2013 by grandmakdw because: quote error

edit on 6-11-2013 by grandmakdw because: same

edit on 6-11-2013 by grandmakdw because: same

edit on 6-11-2013 by grandmakdw because: spelling

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:20 PM

reply to post by MichaelPMaccabee

We're not "wealthy", as you assume. We struggle to pay bills, put children through college and pay our mortgage and taxes. Thanks to this President, all of this just became much more difficult.

PLEASE reread this, and understand that I am not implying that you are wealthy, and that I am actually clearing up some previously believing I am making a statement about the wealthy.

Yes, those that are comfortable (not wealthy, comfortable like the OP was, able to afford his insurance and generally happy with it) are going to be made uncomfortable, and that discomfort is going to enact real change in the Health System of our country.

Also understand that I wasn't calling your entire situation comfortable, merely your Health Care situation. I am assuming you were happy with your healthcare, considering you are now upset that you are losing it.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:20 PM


Currently, our insurance was costing us $821 per was still affordable to us...and it satisfied all of our needs.
reply to post by IAMTAT

Norwegian resident here btw...daamn, 821$?! a month?! just choked on my beer, mate...

yeah. Now add a 60% monthly Obama increase.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:21 PM

HEADS UP to all Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield policy holders; your letter is in the mail:
November 4, 2013

Dear _(Me)_____:

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is discontinuing your individual health benefit plan because it doesn't meet all the requirements of the new health care reform laws )also called the Affordable Care Act).

Thanks, S*B, but we actually LIKED our insurance policy.


Currently, our insurance was costing us $821 per was still affordable to us...and it satisfied all of our needs.


As a convenience to you, we're transitioning you to a health care reform compliant plan...This new plan, ANTHEM ESSENTIAL DIRECTACCESS-CBCE is available at $1,316.06.

So, thanks to Barack Obama, my family has not only, today, LOST a policy we liked and wanted to keep...we are now going to have to pay $500 MORE a month!

So we're 'piss*d'! My wife and I hereby solemnly vow NEVER to vote for ANY Democrat...EVER AGAIN; in ANY election!

So, be advised: If you're with Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, YOUR cancellation letter is probably in the mail (if not your mailbox) already. If you've already received yours...Please share your story.

$831 dollars a month up to $1300?!?! I cannot believe you have to pay that much per month just for healthcare.....

I am absolutely gobsmacked! Damn makes me really appreciate the NHS over here in England now....
edit on 6-11-2013 by KingDoey because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by IAMTAT

Holy ****...Your high officials have really gone bat sheit crazy...

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by IAMTAT

If you had coverage that did not cover what is now required by insurers to cover, of course you will pay more. There are certain basic minimum coverages that all have to be offered, and unfortunately for you your policy was not as good as you will be getting now. But that does not excuse the insurer from up'ing the cost of the plan some $500. I am sure we will find out later that insurers are playing it safe and purposefully overpricing plans. This should level off after a few years once there is a baseline of how much is coming in versus how much is being paid out under these plans.

My suggestions: Save the $1000 a month and pay the fine instead. You'll have $12,000 at the end of the year to pay the fine with and also have that amount to pay out of pocket for any healthcare needs. Because there is now no preexisting condition clause to deny coverage, if you should fall ill just enroll in a health plan at that time.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:24 PM


HEADS UP to all Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield policy holders; your letter is in the mail:
November 4, 2013

Dear _(Me)_____:

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is discontinuing your individual health benefit plan because it doesn't meet all the requirements of the new health care reform laws )also called the Affordable Care Act).

Thanks, S*B, but we actually LIKED our insurance policy.


Currently, our insurance was costing us $821 per was still affordable to us...and it satisfied all of our needs.


As a convenience to you, we're transitioning you to a health care reform compliant plan...This new plan, ANTHEM ESSENTIAL DIRECTACCESS-CBCE is available at $1,316.06.

So, thanks to Barack Obama, my family has not only, today, LOST a policy we liked and wanted to keep...we are now going to have to pay $500 MORE a month!

So we're 'piss*d'! My wife and I hereby solemnly vow NEVER to vote for ANY Democrat...EVER AGAIN; in ANY election!

So, be advised: If you're with Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, YOUR cancellation letter is probably in the mail (if not your mailbox) already. If you've already received yours...Please share your story.

$831 dollars a month up to $1300?!?! I cannot believe you have to pay that much per month just for healthcare.....

I am absolutely gobsmacked! Damn makes me really appreciate the NHS over here in England now....
edit on 6-11-2013 by KingDoey because: (no reason given)

I would enjoy it while you can. The NHS is going broke. Then what will the people do?

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by Terrormaster

I have, well, HAD, insurance through the Virgin Islands Bar Association for the last nine years. I received my cancellation notice two months ago. Mine is not an individual policy. The reason it is being cancelled, so they say, is because there are not three people in the company that need coverage. Cigna will only cover businesses that have three or more employees that need coverage. In the offices where there are more than three people, I know that their premiums have tripled. One office went from $1500 a month for three people to $4,500 a month for the same policy. They aren't getting any better coverage with the higher premium than they were with the lower.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by grandmakdw

What aren't you getting?

Do you think I am here to badmouth Republicans and ignore the shortcomings of Democrats? BOTH are culpable. ACA was modeled after an insurance program run by Mitt Romney when he was governor! Democrats my be in charge NOW, but that doesn't mean that they are the only devil in the room. The lesser of two evils is STILL EVIL.

Please educate yourself on the values of the Green Party.
edit on 6-11-2013 by MichaelPMaccabee because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by jjkenobi

Hi mate,

got any sources for that info? My mum works for the NHS and doesn't seem to think that's the case....


posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by MichaelPMaccabee

Nope, he is just the latest in a LONG line of presidents that funnel money into PRIVATE sector medical at a cost that is exorbitantly higher than would be under PUBLIC management.

As a proponent of PUBLIC health care management, I assume that you are looking for the same type and quality of service as everything else that is run by the government. Yes?

So you would like the government to decide what types of medical services you require and must pay for?

Have you ever interacted with the government in the many other forums of life that they have slowly expanded into? Everything they touch is mismanaged and disastrous, across the board, from the top down; entirely incompetent and bloated, gridlocked and borderline non-functional. I have seen it first-hand within several sectors of federal, state, and local government.

Some people want less government involvement in their lives, not more.

In your bright future, you can go to a government-run healthcare facility, wait in line for miserable service and shabby overworked doctors, then be told that the medical attention you require is "not covered", "not recommended", or better yet, "not available at this time."

How are you going to feel when, like the OP, you receive a letter saying that you have to pay $6,000 more? I don't think you received that letter yet. Where are you getting your healthcare, sir? Would you be willing to pay more for less, and are you going to do a cartwheel when you are forced to pay more for less?

If you believe in Obamacare so much, why don't you do your societal duty and PayPal the OP the $6,000 they need to cover the difference? It hurts more when it's your pocketbook. No more fancy pants or Taco Bell runs.

The utopian change you are hoping for will not be brought about in any way by the new healthcare legislation.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by IAMTAT

I am sorry for your cancelation, but I for one lost my job a couple of years ago. I found myself at the age of 40 with no insurance. I had Blue Cross, and it was GREAT. Also affordable for me. Guess what? Once I lost my job I could not find another job offering me even close to what I had with Blue Cross, and now thanks to the affordable health care act I have insurance coming to me that I can afford.

Don't blame Obama because insurance is going through a change. This has been a long time in the works. Remember the Clinton's? They wanted something like this as well. Why should the Rich who have money deserve to have health care that is life saving, and someone like me who has hit a rough spot for the first time in his life ,and can't afford your$800 per month premium deserve not to have insurance? Let me be the first to tell you, that under your Blue Cross, if you got cancer or something your wonderful Blue Cross would cancel you as fast a possible. Now you can not be canceled if you get sick.

Perhaps if you hit a rough spot someday, and find yourself without a Job or money, maybe then you would learn a very humbling lesson, and apreciate the fact that you would at least have some health care you could afford, or do you think those with Money who can afford insurance deserve to live and those who do not deserve to die. I guess unless that happens to you, you will never know.

By the way My House Hold income 3 years ago was more than 3xs the average so yeah I know what it is like to have and have not.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:33 PM

reply to post by MichaelPMaccabee

Nixon didn't introduce Obamacare. Nixon isn't in office right now. Really man? Just admit it, this is ALL on Obama and the democrats.

Yeah, Nixon isn't in office. He resigned in disgrace after setting up the rules of healthcare that we are still using today. The rules that the Obama administration are using.

Let that sink it.

A scandalized president that resigned is the person responsible for setting up our current system of healthcare. This system isn't replaced by Obamacare, it is strengthened by it.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by kurthall

"I'm sorry for your hardship, but it is necessary so that I won't have to experience my own hardship."

Socialism for the debts, corporatism for the profits... the Frankenstein monster of the Obama administration.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:36 PM

reply to post by MichaelPMaccabee

Nope, he is just the latest in a LONG line of presidents that funnel money into PRIVATE sector medical at a cost that is exorbitantly higher than would be under PUBLIC management.

As a proponent of PUBLIC health care management, I assume that you are looking for the same type and quality of service as everything else that is run by the government. Yes?

So you would like the government to decide what types of medical services you require and must pay for?

Have you ever interacted with the government in the many other forums of life that they have slowly expanded into? Everything they touch is mismanaged and disastrous, across the board, from the top down; entirely incompetent and bloated, gridlocked and borderline non-functional. I have seen it first-hand within several sectors of federal, state, and local government.

Some people want less government involvement in their lives, not more.

In your bright future, you can go to a government-run healthcare facility, wait in line for miserable service and shabby overworked doctors, then be told that the medical attention you require is "not covered", "not recommended", or better yet, "not available at this time."

How are you going to feel when, like the OP, you receive a letter saying that you have to pay $6,000 more? I don't think you received that letter yet. Where are you getting your healthcare, sir? Would you be willing to pay more for less, and are you going to do a cartwheel when you are forced to pay more for less?

If you believe in Obamacare so much, why don't you do your societal duty and PayPal the OP the $6,000 they need to cover the difference? It hurts more when it's your pocketbook. No more fancy pants or Taco Bell runs.

The utopian change you are hoping for will not be brought about in any way by the new healthcare legislation.

I've had very little problem with anything dealing with the government. I do consider myself fortunate and have heard horror stories from others. So what? Is Verizon's customer service any better? Is your insurance company's any better? I don't hold public works to a higher standard than I do private business. I simply hold it up to the same standard.

And let me reiterate.

I'm don't "believe in Obamacare so much", and I won't be signing up myself.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:36 PM

reply to post by IAMTAT

I am sorry for your cancelation, but I for one lost my job a couple of years ago. I found myself at the age of 40 with no insurance. I had Blue Cross, and it was GREAT. Also affordable for me. Guess what? Once I lost my job I could not find another job offering me even close to what I had with Blue Cross, and now thanks to the affordable health care act I have insurance coming to me that I can afford.

Don't blame Obama because insurance is going through a change. This has been a long time in the works. Remember the Clinton's? They wanted something like this as well. Why should the Rich who have money deserve to have health care that is life saving, and someone like me who has hit a rough spot for the first time in his life ,and can't afford your$800 per month premium deserve not to have insurance? Let me be the first to tell you, that under your Blue Cross, if you got cancer or something your wonderful Blue Cross would cancel you as fast a possible. Now you can not be canceled if you get sick.

Perhaps if you hit a rough spot someday, and find yourself without a Job or money, maybe then you would learn a very humbling lesson, and apreciate the fact that you would at least have some health care you could afford, or do you think those with Money who can afford insurance deserve to live and those who do not deserve to die. I guess unless that happens to you, you will never know.

By the way My House Hold income 3 years ago was more than 3xs the average so yeah I know what it is like to have and have not.

Hmmm...maybe I'll get lucky and lose my job too...and then Obama will come to my rescue.
Sorry (I'm angry right now), but thanks for your condolences and your input.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:38 PM

reply to post by grandmakdw

What aren't you getting?

Do you think I am here to badmouth Republicans and ignore the shortcomings of Democrats? BOTH are culpable. ACA was modeled after an insurance program run by Mitt Romney when he was governor! Democrats my be in charge NOW, but that doesn't mean that they are the only devil in the room. The lesser of two evils is STILL EVIL.

Please educate yourself on the values of the Green Party.
edit on 6-11-2013 by MichaelPMaccabee because: (no reason given)

Since you are claiming Obamacre is like Romney care please explain their similarities in great detail. I will enjoy this one.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:40 PM


reply to post by MichaelPMaccabee

Nixon didn't introduce Obamacare. Nixon isn't in office right now. Really man? Just admit it, this is ALL on Obama and the democrats.

Yeah, Nixon isn't in office. He resigned in disgrace after setting up the rules of healthcare that we are still using today. The rules that the Obama administration are using.

Let that sink it.

A scandalized president that resigned is the person responsible for setting up our current system of healthcare. This system isn't replaced by Obamacare, it is strengthened by it.

Here we go again, blaming Nixon. You're right, Obama and the democrats were not responsible for Obamacare... OBAMA care, (even the DEMS call it that, proudly!) I mean ACA since I'm sure you'll attempt to correct me.

ETA: Btw. the "you're right" part was pure sarcasm.
edit on 6-11-2013 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:43 PM

reply to post by kurthall

"I'm sorry for your hardship, but it is necessary so that I won't have to experience my own hardship."

Socialism for the debts, corporatism for the profits... the Frankenstein monster of the Obama administration.

Thank you! And you know what else? There is cobra. We paid cobra for years through my moms insurance, when me and my husband first got married. Insurance was there, you just had to pay for it yourself by working hard.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

WTH? STHU, that is NOT what I was saying, and maybe you need to be taken down a notch. So I guess you think I deserve to die because I can not see a Dr. because because I lost my great job and had to take a lesser with no benifits? BTW, this country went to hell when Bush was in office. Man some people are freaking stupid. I concider what you said a personal attack.

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