posted on Nov, 5 2013 @ 08:39 PM
The worst side effect IMO is laziness (of body, mind, and spirit). I'm comparing to what people used to be like - kids running and playing outside
(actually using their imaginations and facing boredom without their head spinning off), getting up and taking effort to cook things if we wanted to
eat (no microwaves), or just thinking through things. Also - making eye contact and actually talking - picking up cues from body language are
important elements many miss out on if they don't balance technology with old fashioned human contact.
I was talking to a 20 year old about a time with no Internet, no cell phones, Saturday morning cartoons only - from the "olden" days. He said, "wow
- I can't even imagine". That isn't good IMO because I have seen how people don't know how to do simple math, spell, or are simply addicted to
instant everything as well as high stimulation. What does all of that do to the brain? Turns it into mush for a simple answer. Lose it if don't use
it. Skewed social skills, inability to reason, no patience, hyperactivity, and on and on.