posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 02:13 AM
So an update. It appears the NASA space program started off after the war on a wrong premise. Namely that there would be first contact and the mission
was destined to end that way. However that soul must go home right away and NASA and all the other space programs should be abandoned and replaced by
companies, the best mission is currently to build a time machine but not meet other species.
So to the main American female single spirit gate keeper, yours truly has already established contact but is in a difficult position so be nice to me
and ATS users and know it might be some other woman somewhere else who is guiding you. It turns out many souls were awoken because of the space
program, along with the celebrations of the end of World War Two and everything that happened in other countries there after which resulted in an
almost complete destruction of the known universe, immaterial, on the other side but on a different planet which humanity cannot get to nor can the
other side know where we are since there has been no exchange of maps and coordinates.
Normally governments would be planning to tell the public however they would just be the messengers and the message would be from the public even
though it might appear there's only one leading team. The message is going to be about the spirits of the afterlife, how they move about in heaven
and hell and how this would have conflicted with the contacts from planets. It might appear like there is much in there for the future, but there
isn't and more contact would mean more problems. It might go as far back as the first ideas about spaceboats, so medieval spirits are still at large
but also need to be explained they cannot be busy with spaceboats for awhile, only the flying boats. Thanks for reading.