posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 05:23 PM
Gatineau is one of the biggest cities in Canada and sits on the other side of the river from Ottawa.
...So, this is how "democracy" works here.
A "Meet the Candidates" evening was well advertised at a local cinema.
..And this is how it worked.
1. All the audience, hundreds of us, had to sit in absolute silence whilst the candidates sat on a raised platform.
2. Some guy, bussed in by some big local bank asked questions from various big pressure and business lobby groups.
3. Each candidate had to answer each question with an answer pledging to support woolly stuff like supporting apple pie and motherhood to prove that
he would best represent each of the concerns of these lobby groups.
4. One candidate had such contempt for the audience of voters that he chewed gum throughout and literally talked straight over the heads of the
audience, staring about a point at about 15 feet above out heads.
5. Another candidate wagged his finger at the audience as if telling off a class of naughty school kids being kept back for detension.
6. Any candidate (there were two) who had not turned up at this orgy of soul-selling was publicly ridiculed.
7. Then all the candidates left, avoiding the voters wherever possible with the various lobbyists congratulating each other on what they had
8. The audience, once the press had taken their camera shots, were allowed to go home.