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What part of us could possibly last for ever?

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posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 12:40 AM
I posted a thread about not wanting to exist forever. Now I am asking what part of us could possibly last forever?

Our memories? After a billion years times a billion, these memories would be gone.

Our personality? My so-called personality has changed in a very few years. How would a billion years times eternity effect my personality?

Our consciousness? Maybe. But what does that even mean?

What part of us makes it possible that we could exist for all eternity?

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 12:54 AM

I posted a thread about not wanting to exist forever. Now I am asking what part of us could possibly last forever?

Our memories? After a billion years times a billion, these memories would be gone.

Our personality? My so-called personality has changed in a very few years. How would a billion years times eternity effect my personality?

Our consciousness? Maybe. But what does that even mean?

What part of us makes it possible that we could exist for all eternity?

The part that can say 'I am me, and you're not'...


posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by droid56

I no longer believe in a soul or afterlife, so that's out for me. Seems very arrogant and silly to me now that people even entertain that idea. Arrogant to presume that they are special and their personal consciousness is so advanced that it would become a wise, heavenly spirit upon death or some wild beam of love energy when that's really quite far from how we are. Silly because it's absurd to believe that we are anything but organic matter with the abilities of speech and reason.

As for personality - no way would that be eternal if we just kept on living. My personality has changed drastically in 20 years. A few hundred more along the way it's been going and I'd probably just be completely indifferent to everything if not a little ball of hatred and rage. Now, if they just bottled up my personality now. , I don't think it would grow and change so much in the same way and may remain similar for eons.

Memories - Heh, They're lucky to last a few days. A week from now I won't even recall making this post most likely. And the long-term ones just seem to be cause for sadness, embarrassment and anger over time.

So, IMO, the best we can hope for in the eternal arena is fossilized DNA or bone material. Humans certainly won't be around terribly long.

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by droid56

What part of us makes it possible that we could exist for all eternity?

That part of you that wonders about things like that.

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 01:41 AM

Silly because it's absurd to believe that we are anything but organic matter with the abilities of speech and reason.

Is consciousness organic? You know, that aspect of ourselves that is weightless, massless, and is responsible for all civilization. How does the 'material' create the 'immaterial?'

edit on 1-11-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 02:08 AM
You think your brain creates your thought. Its your Spirit/Intellect/Consciousness that operates your body like a vehicle. Western belief you are some product of thoughts generated by matter. Eastern, the radio plays the song, it is not created in the radio. Your body is not your Life or Essence, it faciliates or traps the Spirit in the school.

Another thing, there is evidence that we could be living in a hologram, which is an illusion, creation and one could compare this to a dream lab, this is the lucid dream, and we will wake up.

You're in a platform of infinity, infinity without and within all things, and infinite everything as well, consciousness being the master shaper and creator of all. Infinite person/place/thing, infinite variety. Contained within an Infinite Source Consciousness that expresses itself through our infinite selves.

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 02:09 AM
If you were to attempt and practice astral projection, you would experience first hand.

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 03:14 AM
The human body regenerates everything in itself in seven years. If we did not have sin we would never grow old, and so we would continue to regenerate forever. No need to die. In a trillion years you would still be you, just not the exact dust you are now. Pretty simple really.

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 06:50 AM
reply to post by The GUT

Consciousness isn't organic, it's simply awareness. We see it as more because we add language, thought and reason to it.

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 07:01 AM

I posted a thread about not wanting to exist forever. Now I am asking what part of us could possibly last forever?

Our memories? After a billion years times a billion, these memories would be gone.

Our personality? My so-called personality has changed in a very few years. How would a billion years times eternity effect my personality?

Our consciousness? Maybe. But what does that even mean?

What part of us makes it possible that we could exist for all eternity?

This is a great question to ponder. Do I want my body forever? I would rather have a new one. Do I want my personality? I try to change this each day to improve on my actions and thoughts. Do I want to retain ignorance and misunderstanding? No, I would rather have knowledge. What do I want to keep more than anything? Relationships with those I love. I don't need possessions. They merely have function. I don't want my body. Again, just a function. I do want to keep memories, but it seems those are lost or taken as well.

I believe that we are born again. Baptism, in my mind, is the process of immersion into the functions of life. We are here to do two things. We think and move, allowing us to repent of our pride and selfishness. We are also here to develop relationships with those we bring back into the world. The body is the temple and the temple has a veil. What is that veil? It keeps us from seeing what came before. Why? Each life must be new, free from the duplicity that would be caused by remembering what came before. What do I want to keep in life? Memories and relationships. What do I want to gain in the afterlife? All my memories back again. They are mine. I want them back. I earned the suffering and I need to remember the sin. Apart from knowing what came before, I have no way to guide my future. For now, it's a law and pattern we can know.

AMN in Hebrew is the word true. In English, it is AMEN.

In Greek and Latin, it is Lamb.

AMNi is River of life
AMNio is the bowl that catches the blood of the sacrificed lamb
AMNion is the sac covering the baby in the womb
AMNiotic Fluid is the water of the womb
AMNesia is the part where we are required to forget
AMNesty is when God forgets
dAMNation is when God does not forget. Further, he requires we remember. This is the lamb being taken away.

Mostly, I would like amnesty, but I would like to remember what came before. Damnation causes me to remember, but then God forgets and separates me from HIS memory. What is the process to allow my own memories to be kept, but God's memories of my sin to be forgotten? Salvation.

Amen. The word Truth is Aleph Mem Tav. Aleph is the first letter (Alpha) and Tav is two crossed sticks and the Omega of Hebrew (Last Letter). Mem is water. In the middle of the Alpha and Omega, we are baptized in the waters of life.

Revelation 1

“Look, he is coming with the clouds,”
and “every eye will see him,
even those who pierced him”;
and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.”[c]
So shall it be! Amen.
8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”

Looks like we all remember beginning to end after we exit the water. Every eye will see.

edit on 1-11-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 10:37 AM

I posted a thread about not wanting to exist forever. Now I am asking what part of us could possibly last forever?

Our memories? After a billion years times a billion, these memories would be gone.

Our personality? My so-called personality has changed in a very few years. How would a billion years times eternity effect my personality?

Our consciousness? Maybe. But what does that even mean?

What part of us makes it possible that we could exist for all eternity?

That which is appearing is constantly appearing different (motion). That which knows the appearance never appears so never changes (rest).

This will always be this but will always look different.

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