I'm the opposite in a way. When i was very young I wouldn't dream of any strangers, not that i could remember anyway. Instead I always had dreams
where I knew i was dreaming so then I could control it.
Now i rarely or ever have dreams where I can control it
i read somewhere that you only see people in dreams you have seen in real life, they could be strangers, as just as long as youve actually looked at
them, in the face once before, hell, and 80 year old man may have a dream about a strange woman he met when he was 20, that he never got to know on a
personal level, you never know.
yeah already read that in the other post haha but all good.
I find it strange how someone I could of briefly seen out in public could play a significant part in my dream.
Its like.. I dont know you but you either pissed me off or made me happy in my dream! haha