Ok, used to chat here all the time, but stopped a year or two ago.
I was browsing the net on an interesting subject, that is, interesting if you KEEP YOUR MIND OPEN TO IT.
I found a post here on yahoo, under 'chit-chat' section, which I could not find. So I'm starting this one instead.
Most of the time even suggesting that the Holocaust did not happen would get you shunned by everyone around you. Forget all that hate for 5 minutes,
Yes, millions of PEOPLE were killed by the Nazi's. Not just jews. The Gypsies got it just as bad. The blacks, gays, the mentally handicapped, and
pretty much anyone that got in their way or was different got slaughtered.
6 million Jews were killed, right? Or somewhere there abouts.
Now I put this to you...
There are many, many jewish familys, neighbourhoods, sinagogs (sorry for the spelling) all around the world, right?
Hypothetical question... : What would you do if you knew an army of pissed off faschists were about to march into your town? You know that you will
probably die and that your wife and daughter will be raped.
You run. Long and hard.
I've often heard the theory that the Jews were not massacared but indeed emmigrated to many different parts of the world.
Obviously there is no way they could actually locate and count ALL 6 million bodies. It is a ballpark figured of how many jews DISAPPEARED during the
Yes, probably a million jews were killed. But then again, millions of blacks, muslims, islamics, etc were killed as well.
If you ask me, the "Holocaust" was not an affront to the Jewish people, but an affront to the variety of cultures that the human race has cultivated
over it's entire history.
This post is not to anger you, it's not an attack on Jewish people.
It's merely to point out a historical flaw that should be corrected or firmly proven. Like it or not, there is no way to actually prove if 6 million
jewish people were murdered. It is a claim.
The holocaust was inflicted upon humanity, not just one part of it.
Thanx and please don't flame. Discussion I like. Flaming I ignore.