Thanks for posting
Honestly I have been trying to open my 6th Chakra (third eye) for over a year now and nothing! I'm getting a little frustrated.
It all started 1.5 years ago when I fell asleep, I would awaken suddenly with what felt like vibrations throughout my whole body. My heart would be
pounding, and left me wondering what the heck that was. This would happen a few times a week. At first I thought there was something wrong with me
medically, so I decided to do a little research. In conclusion, my research brought directly to OBE's (Out of Body Experience).
I am a very spiritual person, and thought that theses vibrations that were sudden presented to me were a sure sign that my life was heading into the
right direction. Spiritual Enlightenment.
I have been meditating, trying to open all 7 Chakras since then. Trying to find that perfect natural balance. Haven't quite gotten to a full blown
OBE as of yet, which is super frustrating.
I think I need help. Lol. And so I have a few questions
1. How long did it take you to open your Third Eye?
2. Besides listening to Theta, Delta or Alpha beats, any other pointers?
3. And lastly... Is it abnormal to try to have an OBE for almost 2 yrs time with no success?
And I welcome advice from anyone and I look forward to listening to your binaural vids later tonight.
I have had that exact same thing happen me in the middle of the night, I thought I was dying at the time. I have come to the conclusion that that
experience was part of my 'awakening' of sorts. It is since that day that I have become interested in chakras, auras, lucid dreaming, OBE/Astral
Projection, etc.
I started with videos just like these, and for a while I would be very frustrated because I would literally feel nothing at all. I realised it was
because I was too tense, energy couldn't flow!
I then began to relax and try become one with the waves of frequency. I'd imagine each breath coming in and out of my third eye. Then it all began,
the pressure started and waves of purple filled my closed-eyed vision. I kept practicing and got to the point where I felt better than I ever did,
happier than I ever was, and wiser and more able to use my intuition and read peoples thoughts.
However I gave up for a while, telling myself I didn't have enough time anymore to meditate. How silly I was
. Only now am I getting back into it,
back to where I want to be, and these videos are my first steps as they were originally.
About OBE's:
These can be extremely frustrating, however once you achieve even one it is indescribable. It feels realer than real if that makes sense. Here's what
helped me get to having an OBE:
1. Always have the intention throughout the day of having an OBE.
2. I don't advise trying to have an OBE at night, I have never succeedded, the morning time seems to work much better for me.
3. I would advise learning to lucid dream successfully first, as it makes OBE'ing a lot easier.
4. My method is to wake up but lie completely still, will yourself in a dream to wake up but then don't move. Close your eyes and feel your soul /
whatever you believe being pulled towards the ceiling.
5. You will hear an unmistakable, unforgettable noise. You'll know it when you hear it
6. You should find yourself above your bed now, this is the most difficult part coming up in my opinion.
7. Try get away from your body, you will be pulled back and your vision won't be clear until you get away, in my case everything was darkened and
murky in my vision.
8. That's it, go and have fun!
Be sure there are no distractions, a phone ringing will most likely end your experience
Good luck and I'm glad to answer any further questions
edit on 30-10-2013 by Tingle because: (no reason given)