posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 08:54 PM
My Daughter reactivated my facebook account the other week and I had a shock of my life when I came across this.
On the right hand side of my facebook page was all the adverts. Ever now and then they would change, disappear .. all that!! Anyway this particular
advert happens to be a singles website and a picture of one of their members pops up on the advert. I was minding my own business ignoring the adverts
when I noticed the eyes on this guys picture had changed. His eyes went from being normal nice human blue/slate grey to glowing blue eyes. I took
some pics on my eye phone. I couldn't believe its the same guy and his frigging eyes start glowing. I have the pics, so just got to try and work out
how to download them on ATS.
Go have a look I think it was called 'Oasis dating'.