posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 01:44 PM
I read the title and thought, "Aren't all forests vertical?"
Trees generally grow vertically, yes. Plants grow towards the light source. You can do fun things with this bit of knowledge if you like to grow
Forests of trees generally grow side by side, in a horizontal fashion.
But hey, you are a pretty popular member with a neat avatar, so yeah your "witty" and "clever" comment definitely deserved more stars than anybody
on page one except the op and one other person lol! XD stars do not matter to me of course but holy jeez people....seriously? Lol XD
Now, a vertical or horizontal FOREST of horizontal TREES, would be something of interest...same with a vertical FOREST of vertical TREES. You'll be
alright bud! You just need to study a bit on the difference between an individual tree, and a forest of trees
Anyway............ I too, am concerned about the roots and the possible effects of animal/insect life on the structure. A forest is like a biosphere
or whatever... And you cannot keep everything out of it even in the middle of a city. And what about if some jerk decides to release fire ants or
termites or some other pest. I don't know if fire ants live in the area or survive the climate or WHATEVER, but you get my point I hope...there is
surely some pest that could be released. Trees can also be poisoned.
I would think smaller plant life, like ferns or shrubs or something would be more manageable. I'm really curious about how they plan to deal with the
roots... I thought roots could penetrate almost anything. Maybe steel plates would work? And they will just not have very long roots and not be very
healthy and robust? A whole vertical forest of Charlie Brown Christmas trees?
I wish I could do images on my mobile...but links I can do!
Charlie Brown Xmas tree:<
br />
Hope it works!
Every year I have to watch that movie and the Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer movie with the elf who wanted to be a dentist, the island of misfit toys,
the "bumble" and the song that goes "silver and gold...silver and gold..." aaand that's all the words I know to that song. Those are the two best
animated Christmas movies. Frosty the Snowman too. Non animated would be National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, and then A Christmas Story is also
pretty good...also, anything based on the Ebenezer Scrooge story is alright with me.