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posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 11:46 PM
The U.S. Government gets 100% of every single American dollar that much we do know.

You get your check and pay your taxes. Then you buy food at the grocery...more taxes. The owner of the grocery pays profit sharing and Federal Taxes. They pay their employees and their employees pay their taxes. And the Cycle continues. Eventually the Government Gets 100% of every single American Dollat they get 100% of Americans economical wealth. In the end they also get 100% of the gold that is not thrown away or that makes its way overseas.

You wanted to know whats wrong with the economy...All roads lead to our leaders. They get tax breaks while bleeding the America dry.

You get taxed on everything and so does the people that end up with your money. The U.S. Government just thinks they are not getting it fast enough.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 11:49 PM
Is it true that every baby you get, you dont get the original birth cert anymore?

Because they have to send the original to the Feds and each counts as an insurance policy, when each American DIES they get paid from reserve bank your weight in GOLD!

Eat get fat and be merry!

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by gardener

I cant do that lol

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 12:05 AM
They certainly don't get 100%

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 12:11 AM

They certainly don't get 100%

if they don't, it's not from the lack of trying.
seems like every time you turn around, some bastard politician is proposing a bill that take more of your money.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by eso322

your premise is utterly false , and can be shown to be false by buying a BMW - simples

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 12:22 AM
Well, is it true worthless paper currency (US DOLLARS) is printed
GOLD is transferred to zionist families of Europe for safe keeping in Israel!
(Thus the abundance of nukes in israel, attack of other countries developing any,
and installation of puppet leaders like Obama throughout arab Mideast)

Obama/Media lie and say million but Israeli corrects it to true amount: BILLION

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 12:23 AM

The U.S. Government gets 100% of every single American dollar that much we do know.

You get your check and pay your taxes. Then you buy food at the grocery...more taxes. The owner of the grocery pays profit sharing and Federal Taxes. They pay their employees and their employees pay their taxes. And the Cycle continues. Eventually the Government Gets 100% of every single American Dollat they get 100% of Americans economical wealth. In the end they also get 100% of the gold that is not thrown away or that makes its way overseas.

You wanted to know whats wrong with the economy...All roads lead to our leaders. They get tax breaks while bleeding the America dry.

You get taxed on everything and so does the people that end up with your money. The U.S. Government just thinks they are not getting it fast enough.

Ever hear of something called the National debt? The Fed Reserve isn't owned by Americans so your the American government gets 100% is flawed.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by nikolewis

Okay they get 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of every American dollar.

Lets say Americas wealth was $100. Thats it nothing can increase it. No mining or agriculture or trade market or nothing. When that $100 is gone down to 5 cents there is nothing you can buy.

Okay fed getting say 6.25 from Social and 1.45 from medicare. So we will say for the sake of argument...7.75%. So 7.75% of 100 is 12.90. Round it to $13. So your left with $87 and no way to infuse the Economy. No money Coming in. Taxes taken out everywhere you spend your money...But we will just do the average fed taxes taken out of the check. that $87 is taxed with 11 more dollars. That 76 is taxed 9.80. Say 10 for sake of argument. That 66 is taxed $8.50. That $57.50 is taxed down to say $50.09. $50 for sake of argument. That down to... Get the picture yet.

Everywhere you go gets taxed. Everywhere your money goes after that gets taxed. So on so forth. In the end the US government get 99.99999 repeating percent of every single american dollar.
edit on 28-10-2013 by eso322 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by buster2010

And just how is that sheldon. Lets say you spend your whole check after a 7.75 percent federal tax at Walmart or where ever you shop. Lets say for arguments sake that your money is always spent in one place by who ever has it. After you spend it...Your check gets about 11% taxed after profit sharing and taxes are paid by the owner of the establishment. And what is left of your check goes to one employee who gets taxed 7.75% just like you did. He takes it to...Kroger and spends all of it. So on so forth. eventually after being taxed dozens of times the government in what ever form you see it as...Gets 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR THAT YOU HAVE EVER MADE.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by eso322

Yes, and there are no millionaires, billionaires etc..

Do you see the flaw in your argument? You are inducing a ladder of tax-steps, but in fact the tax-sum is about 20-30%, I guess.

Look up "Zenon's Paradox" on how a large number of small steps doesn't always lead to a large number of completed distance. There are similarities to your example.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 04:18 AM
It's not the Fed Gov that gets it but the Fed Res. Saying that you are only taxed at a 20%-30% rate leaves out the state income tax (only a few states do not have an income tax), county and city taxes. Not even figuring in all the taxes you pay on all products save raw produce (meats, fruit and veggies). The true taxation rate is over 50% but mostly hidden. They bleed you dry and you think you have it great...pffft.

Where I live, it's a flat 15% GST. No added taxes at the checkout counter the tax is already figured in the displayed price. The phone, elect, gas and water bills don't come with a bunch of extra taxes put on them. It's simple, it works and no problems. You have the IRS...International Racketeering Service, a system designed to rob, defraud and swindle the American public out of every single dollar they can and who gets the money in the end...the Fed Res.

IRS = Dracula in a gray flannel suit.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 05:43 AM
OP your understanding of American economics is seriously lacking.

this might surprise many but there is interest on every single dollar in existence, that one dollar bill in your pocket you, in a very complicated and roundabout way have to pay interest on it at some point. Also its not actually worth anything really, which is even stranger thanks to the stupidity of the fiat currency system. Note i said currency and not money, there is a difference.

Anyway the real reason that the Government does not get 100% of every single American dollar is because the banks do, the American government do not control the supply of currency rather the federal reserve do, who again in a very round about way are owned by a private banking kabal. America has been debasing its currency since the 1970's to the point where the value of it is dwindling, eventually the mighty dollar will be worthless and the whole corrupt system will collapse.

If anyone "owns" those dollars its the banks, not the government, why do you think the government have been borrowing so many dollars from the banks and other financial institutions.

Really there are so many problems with your OP its difficult to know where to start.

your just wrong on this one buddy.

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