posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by wildtimes
Don't worry about spamming. I don't think you are... and yes I think God and His Angels are with me now...
Its weird, I was so damn upset, being told she might not make it through the night, and then after what Neno said he was exhausted and needed some
sleep, so he slept and I was online, well, I was online through most anyway because I didn't want hugs I wanted distraction. Hugs would have made me
cry more...
So anyway, Neno was sleeping and I was online and mentally loosing it... and this guy who made this thread, I dont even know him... I dont even
remember seeing him around but I suppose he is a longstanding member here... but he shows up at the doorstep of my thread saying he is crying and
heartbroken for me and talking about Jesus...
anyway, I started talking to him, I think God sent him to me at that exact time for a reason... and we started talking about God and all in U2U...
He was so great I wouldn't be surprised if he is an angel....
I am seeing God and angels all around me right now... (no not in hallucinatory fashion or anything...)