posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by caterpillage
Crazy isn't it? I've really come to think this is by design, entirely deliberate and with a specific purpose in mind.
Especially the myriad of these seemingly popping off on cable channels late at night now, I think it's getting that tone heard by as many, as often
as possible.
After all, that is a tone that grates ..and for a good % of the population, it goes back to a time and a meaning that resonates on a visceral level.
After all, in the 80's that tone was the last thing we'd ever likely see or hear of a civilized and organized Government for the coming weeks if not
months ..if ever. That, being the final or first/last warnings of impending nuclear strike, inbound and xx minutes to reach civil defense shelters in
whatever area you'd find yourself at the time.
I can't help but think it had just as visceral an impact on everyone else too, for other reasons. Tornado, Hurricane, train wreck... We've all had
something in life (generally) where that's popped for real.
So what does it do to our minds by subconsciously hearing it frequently? Nothing profound. I do think it helps maintain a low, steady and never ending
level of agitation and stress though. The population is stressed in a chronic and deliberate way I've never seen before. I don't know why...but our
leadership wants us on the edge of going off, all the time right now.