reply to post by tadaman
Dehumanising someone FOR ANY reason is wrong.
It is exactly what happens in war...
We dehumanize the enenmy which then makes it ok to kill said enemy..
You mention the jews...well they do it to others by stating goyim.
just as hitler did it to the jews... The propaganda was intended to dehumanize the Jews by naming them an “inferior race,"
just as Americans did it to gooks.
at times of war perfectly acceptable....just as the term 'n-word' was used to dehumanize the slave.
also you just did it by saying it is not bad cops but they enter as bad civilians...Sorry but many times traits are taught...just as it is taught to
the masses during times of fighting an enemy.
but what I said is being taken out of context....and your arrogance is getting in the way of objective listening.
If the whole apple becomes bad then it is the whole apple that needs to be dealt you can no longer just cut out the small rotten bit.
IMHO when it comes to a police state the whole apple has gone bad as individuals within no longer have the ability to eliminate the rot.
People can be good people but have to go with the flow of the group sometimes whether they want to or you saying they were bad before they
entered the force, government, church or other organizations IS incorrect...Some people enter politics with the best of intentions...but soon develop
the attitude....everyone else is doing it.
Then your stating because they enforce LAWS that makes it correct...but yet many laws are deemed wrong and get changed for various reasons because
they were ill thought out in the first place.. PROHIBITION.
That was such a weak argument.... just as speeding laws are being re thought out as it is just for money generation and nothing else.... It is not
about public safety as automobiles become much safer to traverse much better built roads at higher and higher rates of speed.
just because something is LAW it does not make it necessarily correct...If one blindly believes this then we would still be using the taking an eye
for an eye.
Is it right to go out killing police officers....simple answer is it ok to dehumanize groups or associations...IMHO yes, when said
association becomes rotten within ...where ranks of that group dehumanize others through their own internal operations.
You have your opinions which are yours...but do not personally attack others who say what their opinions are, just because you may not agree with
them. You do not know who or why they have gained these opinions...but open debate can change perspectives....but when a person try's to say someone
is less intelligent then you have lost the debate right away.
there isn't any measure of intelligence because it is gained through each individuals interactions in their own life experience. Go live with
aboriginals in Australia...or Maori's you might be amazed at what they know about their own surroundings yet out comes some so called IQ scale they
may be at the bottom of the table.
just some food for thought....or you can just continue on illogical ranting rather than looking at things as a objective observer.
edit on 053131p://f11Saturday by plube because: (no reason given)
edit on 053131p://f14Saturday by plube because: (no reason