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Report: Iran may be month from a bomb

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+4 more 
posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:00 AM
Oh... Another day, another estimate on Iranian Nuclear intentions with another timeline to their acquisition of a nuclear weapon. Oh, it shouldn't be long now, they seem to indicate. Any time now.

Iran could produce enough weapons-grade uranium to build a nuclear bomb in as little as a month, according to a new estimate by one of the USA's top nuclear experts.

The new assessment comes as the White House invited Senate staffers to a briefing on negotiations with Iran as it is trying to persuade Congress not to go ahead with a bill to stiffen sanctions against Iran.

Amazing, isn't it? How this comes out within days of the Saudi's telling us to go climb a tree over our apparently inability to assist them with genocide against the Shia sect of the Muslim Faith.

Given announcements like this though? It seems clear that priorities may well be shifting and Saudi may get it's partner in crime after all. Literally.

To paraphrase a popular meme? 'I'm not always this cynical, but when I am? It's usually related to an Iranian Nuclear claim.'


posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:03 AM
Not unlike Tony Blair's "45 minutes from WMD's".

I guess the US admin would need something as big as another war to distract the public from the crap that is hitting the fan there at the moment.

I just feel sorry for all citizens involved.


posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:04 AM
It's fun to play with the spinning wheel of suspicion.

Which country will it be next week? I love the smell if propaganda in the morning.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

With the number of centrifuges Iran has, if they want a bomb they all ready have one. In fact they should have more than one, a lot more! I have never believed that Iran wants or needs 'big' atomic devices, they may want tactical weapons to destroy things like Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups, Air bases and charging massed Abrams battle tanks.

They have had more than enough time to make any number of such weapons. Think asymmetrical delivery platforms and any idiot that attacks them may be in for a big bright, horribly bright, surprise.

Let alone what Russia will do. Russia has a direct supply line to Iran and she will use it if push comes to shove.

Yet, as pointed out, the US badly needs another war right now. Things are looking grim!


posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Ah the sheer hypocrisy of it all! Iran cant have the bomb because there considered a wild card while its ok for the rest of us supposedly morally enlightened first world nations to possess such a device.

If it was not so sad it would be hilarious!

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Let 'em have the bomb. If they use it? We turn their country into glass.


I'm so sick of namby-pamby leaders and their weaseling. Hell, Obama would probably give 'em money instead of nuking them.

I need caffeine! Cranky this am.

A little nuclear doom music to start the day.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Yes...Iran nuking the entire western world is imminent.

Time to do some preemptive striking...

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:32 AM
What happened to Syria? Is that all over with now?? No, couldn't start a war there, right back to Iran!

Obama is running out of time to make his blood sacrifce, and if he doesn't do it soon, he won't be allowed in to the ex-presidents club.

When will this madness ever stop.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Beezer, your new avatar looks like a sneaky way of declaring yourself to be KING BEEZER!

Very sneaky with the Canadian Flag, very sneaky indeed! But it does look like a little crying wabbit with a very big crown.

Back on subject, if the want it they already have it. They will only use it if attacked. They, like all major players, Iran prefers to work through proxies.



edit on 25/10/2013 by pheonix358 because: this is filled out.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:38 AM

reply to post by beezzer

Beezer, your new avatar looks like a sneaky way of declaring yourself to be KING BEEZER!

Very sneaky with the Canadian Flag, very sneaky indeed! But it does look like a little crying wabbit with a very big crown.

Back on subject, if the want it they already have it. They will only use it if attacked. They, like all major players, Iran prefers to work through proxies.



edit on 25/10/2013 by pheonix358 because: this is filled out.

I'm rather embarrassed with America right now, so I'm Canadian, eh?

I guess I'm just getting fed up with all the Middle East drama. A bunch of damned egomaniacs bent on global carnage.

Go Leaf's!

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:46 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Take it easy, Karma is a bitch when she retaliates! I have seen it happen time and time again. The longer she winds up, the bigger the surprise.

I remember quite clearly the day the the Berlin Wall came tumbling down and I thought, FINALLY a chance for a peaceful world. Unfortunately, it was not to be! We could have stopped spending on weapons and gone to Mars for a holiday. Sadly, the greedy cretins got their way.

I am not sure if I believe in Revelations, but, I would sure want some of that 1000 years of peace. Just hope it is not because of a new ice age.!

Take it easy, man has been at war ever since Cain killed Able.


posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Beezzer is Canadian now? Wow... Truly the end times are upon us. As for Iranians and Nukes, maybe if the U.S hadn't broadcasted their intentions to reset the mess they'd already created there, Iran wouldn't be looking for a deterrent?

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 08:05 AM
The moment that the U.S. and Russia discovered the destructive power of nuclear and atomic weapons they should've passed a world law forbidding anyone ANYONE from possessing them, yet somehow, places like Israel, India and Pakistan, to name a few, have them. How did this happen? Now, it's too late and because of the people who looked the other way, world destruction is always a possibility. That being said, I think Iran has the right to have nuclear power but not weapons, but until the world makes all these other countries hand over their nukes, Iran has no choice but to protect themselves from the blood thirsty banksters/Zionists all the same. It's a severely messed-up situation.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by JakiusFogg

Syria was just another route to Iran. We will get there eventually.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 08:12 AM
A month away. How, in the early 90's they were days away, according to Israel. But according to Israel their the chosen ones and all the rest of us are Goyim, simply put we're here to serve them. Let Iran have their nuke, maybe they'll back up their brash talk and actually nuke Israel. IMHO, not that big of a loss.
edit on 25-10-2013 by openyourmind1262 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 08:30 AM
Ooooooh... any day now, really, believe us, any day... waiting... waiting... ok, maybe next month!

This crap has been played out for so long now and yet despite all the talk, we are all still here and, more importantly (to them at least), so is Israel. No glassy desert, no mushroom clouds, just the same old bleating with them wanting everyone else to go fight their battles and spend our money, not theirs, in doing so.

To be honest, the foreign policy of the US, UK and some others, where the Middle East is concerned at least, has been run from Israel for decades. We don't do anything there unless Israel wishes it, which is why we have spent lots of money (loaned to us at Interest by Jewish bankers), many years and many lives fighting people who were never in a position to harm us anyway. But, they are in the way of Israel and it's expansionist plans, so need to go, or be beaten to a pulp and subservient.

So, back to Iran. I would suggest that if Mr. Nutty-yahoo thinks it's such a threat, then he should grab a rifle right now and go fight them, and leave the rest of us out of his pathetic little fantasies. Hey, he could take Cameron and Hague with him, and any other of the bought politicians.

edit on 25-10-2013 by Britguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 08:39 AM
if Iran would just bend over and accept a rothschild central bank they could have all the nukes they want and no one would say a thing

+1 more 
posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 08:41 AM
The ever changing, propaganda filled, time table of Iran's alleged nuclear weapon's progaram:


1. Earliest warnings: 1979-84
Fear of an Iranian nuclear weapon predates Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution, when the pro-West Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was deep in negotiations with the US, France and West Germany, on a nuclear-energy spending spree that was to yield 20 reactors.
Late 1970s: US receives intelligence that the Shah had “set up a clandestine nuclear weapons development program.”
1979: Shah ousted in the Iranian revolution, ushering in the Islamic Republic. After the overthrow of the Shah, the US stopped supplying highly enriched uranium (HEU) to Iran. The revolutionary government guided by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini condemned nuclear weapons and energy, and for a time stopped all projects.
1984: Soon after West German engineers visit the unfinished Bushehr nuclear reactor, Jane’s Defence Weekly quotes West German intelligence sources saying that Iran’s production of a bomb “is entering its final stages.” US Senator Alan Cranston claims Iran is seven years away from making a weapon.

1992: Israeli parliamentarian Benjamin Netanyahu tells his colleagues that Iran is 3 to 5 years from being able to produce a nuclear weapon – and that the threat had to be “uprooted by an international front headed by the US.”

1992: Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres tells French TV that Iran was set to have nuclear warheads by 1999. “Iran is the greatest threat and greatest problem in the Middle East,” Peres warned, “because it seeks the nuclear option while holding a highly dangerous stance of extreme religious militanCY.”

1992: Joseph Alpher, a former official of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, says “Iran has to be identified as Enemy No. 1.” Iran’s nascent nuclear program, he told The New York Times, “really gives Israel the jitters.”

Similar predictions received airtime, including one from then-CIA chief Robert Gates that Iran’s nuclear program could be a “serious problem” in five years or less. Still, the bureaucracy took some time to catch up with the Iran threat rhetoric.

1995: The New York Times conveys the fears of senior US and Israeli officials that “Iran is much closer to producing nuclear weapons than previously thought” – about five years away – and that Iran’s nuclear bomb is “at the top of the list” of dangers in the coming decade. The report speaks of an “acceleration of the Iranian nuclear program,” claims that Iran “began an intensive campaign to develop and acquire nuclear weapons” in 1987, and says Iran was “believed” to have recruited scientists from the former Soviet Union and Pakistan to advise them.

1997: The Christian Science Monitor reports that US pressure on Iran’s nuclear suppliers had “forced Iran to adjust its suspected timetable for a bomb. Experts now say Iran is unlikely to acquire nuclear weapons for eight or 10 years.”

1998: The same week, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld reports to Congress that Iran could build an intercontinental ballistic missile – one that could hit the US – within five years. The CIA gave a timeframe of 12 years.

2002: CIA warns that the danger from nuclear-tipped missiles, especially from Iran and North Korea, is higher than during the cold war. Robert Walpole, then a top CIA officer for strategic and nuclear programs, tells a Senate panel that Iran’s missile capability had grown more quickly than expected in the previous two years – putting it on par with North Korea. The threat “will continue to grow as the capabilities of potential adversaries mature,” he says.

2004: Then-Secretary of State Colin Powell tells reporters that Iran had been working on technology to fit a nuclear warhead onto a missile. “We are talking about information that says they not only have [the] missiles but information that suggests they are working hard about how to put the two together,” he said.

May 2009: US Senate Foreign Relations Committee reports states: “There is no sign that Iran’s leaders have ordered up a bomb.”

January 2011: When Meir Dagan steps down as director of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, he says that Iran would not be able to produce a nuclear weapon until 2015. “Israel should not hasten to attack Iran, doing so only when the sword is upon its neck,” Mr. Dagan warned. Later he said that attacking Iran would be “a stupid idea…. The regional challenge that Israel would face would be impossible.”

February 2011: National intelligence director James Clapper affirms in testimony before Congress that “Iran is keeping the option open to develop nuclear weapons in part by developing various nuclear capabilities and better position it to produce such weapons, should it choose to do so,” Mr. Clapper said. “We do not know, however, if Iran will eventually decide to build nuclear weapons.”

Wake me up when we are seconds away from Iran having a nuclear warhead, we will probably have a successful fusion power plant before Iran has a nuke at this rate...

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by pheonix358

Yes, I think we agree pretty closely on all this. I recall some of the effort we had both put into a bit of this last year and among all that (Mostly Korea, as I recall..but some Iran) were reports from the IAEA of true, literal weapons grade material being found by residue and signature inside Iranian facilities.

Funny though.. Those reports are from a good number of years ago within the UN reports. So...If they could be believed (and we know the UN draws from some of the same sources our guys do for making their reports), Iran had the fully prepared material to form a weapon core that long ago? (sigh) Oh..they just count on us all forgetting these things. That has to be it. Short memories and ADD to extremes. Otherwise? We'd remember....Iran was supposed to already have weapons SEVERAL times over by now.

Recall, even the 1990's had "just another year" or '5 years' or whatever....with all placing Tehran in the Nuclear Club well before this point.

I believe Iran IS working on covert nuclear technology. I think it's something other than a traditional weapon and may not be a weapon at all. If they wanted a bomb though, you're right...They'd have had one to match Pakistan and India, long ago.
edit on 25-10-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 09:00 AM
Remember those docs that surfaced awhile back which showed Israel tried to sell South Africa nukes?
maybe the traces are from some of this material

'Israel stole US uranium to build nukes'

edit on 25-10-2013 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

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