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Facebook OKs Decapitation Videos (But No Breastfeeding)

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posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:48 AM

Who cares if they are on facebook, its not like you can't spend 10 seconds searching out the internet for a whole host of sites that contain these types of videos.

Its not like clicking on a video on facebook is going to trick you into watching it. If you can't tell within 5 seconds what's going on then maybe you need to watch them.

Basically you have the power to "turn the channel" so quit forcing everyone to follow your moral code. Next thing you know you'll want to ban kissing in movies also.

Ever been to the weird part of Youtube? You know the "Maggots under teeth" type videos. You obviously know that humans are curious, Children being the more vulnerable. I remember watching similar videos as they circulated in high school on cell phones and I felt a certain way after watching them. Like a part of me had died. I would spend the rest of my day unable to concentrate, knowing something wasn't right about the world. One of the worst feelings a child can go through.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by DeadSnow

I think you've hit the nail on the head. Once something has been seen, it cannot be unseen.
Why does anyone need to see a decapitation? That is beyond revolting, it's abhorrent.
And for the person who worried that breast feeding mothers might be perved over on you-tube, you made me laugh! You obviously don't have any kids!
I breast-fed all 4 of mine (and very publicly too), and I promise you there was nothing pornographic about it! Dribbly sick and slavers, yes. Sexy, no.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by Spookybelle

stop right there what if a new mum wants to breastfeed her baby and isnt sure shes doing it right
then she could watch another mum doing it

the mother of my kids breastfed my kids and was asked to show other mums how to do it
as she used to breastfeed two at a time (as i have twins)

as for showing people having their heads chopped off that is sick and people who watch that type os thing need a close eye on them because in my eye they have an underlying problem

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:34 AM

Am I saying everyone should live life this way? No, not at all. I've watched one decapitation video, and believe me, years later, it is still vivid in my memory. No amount of mental chlorox will remove the stain from your mind.
reply to post by SadistNocturne

my eldest brother showed me one once and didnt even tell me what i was about to see

and that will never leave me i still feel sick to the core and that was about 8 years ago

i mean like how do people get away with putting this stuff on any site this world is fu##ed up

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:37 AM
I'm pretty shocked that so many posts on this thread seem to be OK with "snuff" films (or videos) presumably because of "freedom of speech".

I agree that you have a right to open source information and are free to take in whatever you choose, but stuff flicks? What the heck is going on with people these days?

That's the kind of evil crap you can't buy, no wonder it's offered for free on the internet.

Anyone remember the movie "8 millimeter"? Over dramatic story true, but it makes some good points.

ETA: I thought I'd add that I watched a marathon viewing of the "Faces of Death" movies years ago, there were three at the time.

The first movie had me squirming, covering my eyes and by the movie's end, in shock. I was then numb throughout the rest of the movies. Some of those stories still plague my mind from time to time. "Faces of Death" - Stuff films? They might be considered that, but those stories were about accidents that happened to be filmed, not people killed and filmed intentionally (except for the electric chair scene, can't forget that one).

edit on 25-10-2013 by MichiganSwampBuck because: added last points

edit on 25-10-2013 by MichiganSwampBuck because: typo

edit on 25-10-2013 by MichiganSwampBuck because: added to the last comment

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by MichiganSwampBuck

I first saw faces of death when I was 13 at a friends house. His dad was watching it and I had to wait and watch it in the living room, he asked me if I was ok with watching it and I said sure. 30 mins in and I could barely look the the screen, after an hour it became normal and that was the topic of conversation for days to follow. Actually FOD was mostly staged, they got a bunch of actors and faked some deaths from what I heard, although I saw people getting ripped into pieces in one take..there's no way some of those deaths were fake.

The three deaths I could never forget were the guy that jumped off the building because his wife cheated on him. The para-glider that go eaten by the gators and the "Satanic" cannibal cult that mutilated a body (Looked fake but scared the s*** out of me). Knowing such evil exists in the word is terrifying.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 10:43 AM


Am I saying everyone should live life this way? No, not at all. I've watched one decapitation video, and believe me, years later, it is still vivid in my memory. No amount of mental chlorox will remove the stain from your mind.
reply to post by SadistNocturne

my eldest brother showed me one once and didnt even tell me what i was about to see

and that will never leave me i still feel sick to the core and that was about 8 years ago

i mean like how do people get away with putting this stuff on any site this world is fu##ed up

I remember back in the very late 80's or early 90's, I had a cavity that needed filling and I went into the Dentist.

I immediately saw that they had walkman's (MP3 players for you younger folks
available at each chair so that you could listen to music instead of hearing the drill, etc.

When I was offered the option of listening to music, I immediately and emphatically responded NO.

I wanted to absolutely know what was happening, be aware of it, and be able to respond if I felt necessary. These thoughts immediately flashed through my head the moment the choice was offered to me.

Now, I sincerely hate the idea that anyone showed you such a video when you were so young. What a horrible and gutwrenching thing. I sincerely hope you've nutpunched your brother for doing such a thing to you. This is the very reason why my children are not allowed on Facebook, or much in the way of any other kind of "social networking" site, let alone other non-vetted aspects of the internet that their mother and I approve of for their age and maturity.

However, as an adult, I for one (and I am speaking of myself and myself alone, I wouldn't begin to believe that everyone is ready for this kind of atrocity to assault their sense of what the world is) prefer to know that this is out there, see it once, and see it for the absolutely despicable sort of thing that we, Humans, are capable of.

Let me share a secret with you. Far, far too often, we like to forget or to pretend that we as humans are something we are not. We like to pretend that we are something ABOVE animals.

We have the capacity to be something far greater than "just" an animal, but to deny what we are at our core, is the not only the height of arrogance, it is also the base of ignorance.

So, to your statement (heavily paraphrased) "How could something like this be posted on Facebook?"...I ask, if it weren't, how else would you or I know that this kind of thing could happen? How else would we know that outside of our "safe and secure" society/culture/country/neighborhood, this kind of thing happens?

Personally, and I understand I may be 100% alone in this idea, I would rather know. I prefer to know the truth, where at all possible. When at all possible. The truth, as ugly as it can be, is beautiful.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 10:51 AM

reply to post by DeadSnow

I think you've hit the nail on the head. Once something has been seen, it cannot be unseen.
Why does anyone need to see a decapitation? That is beyond revolting, it's abhorrent.

I positively agree.

But, it boils down to personal sensibilities, preferences, and ability to handle the truth.

While I'd never presume that everyone (adult, that is) is ready for such a thing, or could handle such a thing in the long run, I personally feel that it is important (for me) to know what we as humans are capable. Please see my other response in this thread for my exact feelings on what and who we are as "humans".

Truth is beautiful, repugnant, unavoidable, constantly changing, dependent upon the angle of light, horrible and angelic...all at once.

It is not like light, or a pie, that can be sliced into palatable portions. It comes when it comes, and is difficult to control the flood of it once the grand design of things decides to bring it forward.

Please, don't mistake me, I'm not suggesting you're in any way wrong or somehow incapable of seeing things for what they are. I am not.

I am just trying to show you and others how I view it. Not by any means meant as a suggestion.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:19 AM

I guess my question is.. Why would you want to put ether one up? Honestly, the decapitation is just twisted, so are those who want to see it..

My ex breast fed our children.. I'd be pissed if she videoed it and then posted it for the world to see.. People already know woman breast feed their children.. What's the woman trying to accomplish by the video.. What need is she fulfilling? Is it educational, instructional? Somethings wrong..

Just because it exists doesn't mean you must watch it or your in denial.. Child porn videos exist.. You feel compelled to watch those also? If not, is your head in the sand concerning the issue?

I'm of the belief that our society is suffering a mental disorder.. Social media, twitter, computers, tablets, smart phones.. Having to look at, stay connected and broadcast everything all the time is sick and twisted..

There is a buttload of content I come across perusing the web.. Quite a bit I refuse to allow in through the gate of my eyes..

I personally wouldn't put something of either described content up on the web, unless I thought it served a purpose.

I have watched a decapitation video, once. I'm not completely certain why I did, but I can say with certainty that I did not watch it out of some sense of wanting a thrill or wanting to see a horror film.

No, I don't feel compelled to watch child porn. Unfortunately, I've been the victim of inappropriate sexual activity as a child which was initiated by an adult. An adult who was left in charge of my safe keeping. Truthfully, it wasn't as horrific as some might think. I don't remember anything forced. Or upsetting about it at the time. I do remember though, as time went by, realizing that I was exposed to something I should never have been exposed to at that age. I remember that I realized it forever impacted me, changed the way I view things. Changed my childhood. It erased *part* of my childhood right then and there. So, no, I have no need to see child porn. Nor am I saying that anyone who hasn't been through my own personal experiences needs to go and see child porn either.

It truly is an interesting question you pose. It's very thought provoking. I'm sitting here really digging deep to come up with an explanation for my reasoning about things. Not that I doubt my reasoning, but that I am trying to bring it into focus so as to be able to properly answer your question.

I positively do not feel that a decision that someone cognitively makes to NOT view such material does not make them less as of a person, less well rounded, less brave, less *anything*.

Read some of my other responses here. You'll see my description of a visit to a Dentists office where I was offered the option of listening to music rather than the disturbing idea of hearing the drill. I personally, would rather hear the drill. My wife would chose the other. I love her dearly. We simply don't see things the same way.

I also responded to another post about my feelings regarding we as "humans". In my positively humble opinion, and that is ALL it is, my opinion, we are still very much animals.

We ABSOLUTELY have the capacity to be far more than just that. And I can assure you, being an animal is no curse to being dumb and unfeeling. My boy Atlas (an English Bulldog, my Son, and probably the only Son I'll ever have) just passed away. He was able to help me emotionally in SO MANY WAYS, I cannot begin to relate them here. Some would say that I anthropomorphized him into being "human". That I gave him greater respect than he deserved for what I felt was his impact on my life. But, any time I was upset, that amazing boy would always come to me, and nuzzle up against me. He always knew. He always cared enough about me to and want to comfort me, as I would comfort him. But, scare him? And he'd react appropriately. He'd growl. He'd bare his teeth. His hair would raise, and he'd lower his stance. Unlike many other animals though, he didn't have a mean bone in his body. Many animals are capable of what we as humans would consider great cruelty. Picking the weakest member of the herd to take down and tear apart piece by piece (where we would do it "humanely" and as quickly and painlessly as possible, or, as has become the norm today, as expediently as possible so as to maximize corporate profit, regardless of the animals feelings or anguish) so as to feed their own growling stomachs. Animals also are known to form social groups, much as we do. They are known for picking on others within these social groups, and bullying. Oddly enough, so are we.

I posit that we would romanticize ourselves above and beyond rightful place. We'd like to distance ourselves, with polite discourse and civility. Manners. Rules and customs. Society. Art. Culture. Laws Common Sense. The Ten Commandments (I am not a religious person, but I'll be damned if these are not perfect common sense for people wanting to coexist in a group of people, in a society).

It is our charge that as those born with a brain large enough to enable such great potential as we have, to reach for that potential with every single fiber of our body and spirit.

But, to deny our animal base, our heritage, is pure hubris.

I watched that damned video of someone decapitating another person, not because I wanted to see a head violently hacked off (I swear the blade was intentionally dulled), but because I wanted to attempt to understand what could possibly fuel such hatred. Such anger. Such violence. To do so, I would have needed to have been able to see the eyes of the person committing this atrocity. Their eyes were always conveniently out of view.

I believe that speaks volumes about themselves, ourselves, and the situation.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:27 AM

the main thing here is not about people watching the videos, it's about people that ARE posting the videos on facebook, and I agree that everyone should know that its not the place to post such things...

No, the main thing here is that it is perfectly acceptable for us to view horrid violence.

But somehow not moral of us to view something beautiful, natural, and completely normal.

Perhaps live executions as blood sport are next, but the image below would be banned as well...

This is the point of this thread.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:27 AM

the main thing here is not about people watching the videos, it's about people that ARE posting the videos on facebook, and I agree that everyone should know that its not the place to post such things...

No, the main thing here is that it is perfectly acceptable for us to view horrid violence.

But somehow not moral of us to view something beautiful, natural, and completely normal.

Perhaps live executions as blood sport are next, but the image below would be banned as well...

This is the point of this thread.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:19 PM

I'm pretty shocked that so many posts on this thread seem to be OK with "snuff" films (or videos) presumably because of "freedom of speech".

I agree that you have a right to open source information and are free to take in whatever you choose, but stuff flicks? What the heck is going on with people these days?

That's the kind of evil crap you can't buy, no wonder it's offered for free on the internet.

Anyone remember the movie "8 millimeter"? Over dramatic story true, but it makes some good points.

ETA: I thought I'd add that I watched a marathon viewing of the "Faces of Death" movies years ago, there were three at the time.

The first movie had me squirming, covering my eyes and by the movie's end, in shock. I was then numb throughout the rest of the movies. Some of those stories still plague my mind from time to time. "Faces of Death" - Stuff films? They might be considered that, but those stories were about accidents that happened to be filmed, not people killed and filmed intentionally (except for the electric chair scene, can't forget that one).

edit on 25-10-2013 by MichiganSwampBuck because: added last points

edit on 25-10-2013 by MichiganSwampBuck because: typo

edit on 25-10-2013 by MichiganSwampBuck because: added to the last comment

First of all, allow me to make something completely and utterly 100% unquestionably clear. I am not condoning the concept, act of filming, or viewing a snuff film in any way shape or form. But, I do feel that as humans, our capacity for understanding is paramount to what it means to BE human. So, I post this as a means that it may help some of you gain some sense of understanding. Not agreement. Not sympathy. No, not in the slightest. But simply, a better understanding.

Largely, a snuff film is something that will appeal to one of three different audiences.

Either to someone who is mentally ill, such as is the case with a person afflicted with psychopathy. This is also commonly regarded as Antisocial Personality Disorder. This is a personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregard for, or violation of, the rights of others.

Or, a sexual fetish which is oriented on either causing someone to great pain to the point of death, or of they themselves experiencing death, possibly being lead up to by great pain. This is practically the ultimate forms of either Sadism or Masochism. No, this holds no thralling interest over me. But, I do recognize the fact that there are those out there who fall into either category I've just described. I've met them, talked to them, and they are otherwise completely normal, sane, good people from what I was able to observe. I completely understand, can relate to, and empathize with those of you who will find violent opposition within yourself over my observation of this kind of person wherein I said that I observed them as being basically good people. So, please, feel free to respond as you wish. I won't be replying.

Then, there are the voyeurs. People who simply wish to observe things for the thrill of it. Although "Faces of Death", the original film, is purported to have been real, it is commonly accepted that the follow ups were merely fakes. These films found a niche, and satiated a need that some people have. Perhaps we all have this need to one degree or another.

I'm going to leave you with this, as I feel it is not only pertinent, but also thought provoking. The band Tool last made an album a few years ago called "10,000 Days". Not everyone's cup of tea. But one song in particular got airplay. Most of their music is considered a "deep track", in otherwords, things the fans would only listen to, and stuff not really intended to make it onto the radio...

This is their song "Vicarious"....

"Eye on the the TV
'Cause tragedy thrills me
Whatever flavor it happens to be, like...
"Killed by the husband"
"Drowned by the ocean"
"Shot by his own son"
"She used a poison in his tea, and kissed him goodbye"
That's my kind of story
It's no fun 'til someone dies

Don't look at me like I am a monster
Frown out your one face, but with the other
Stare like a junkie into the TV
Stare like a zombie
While the mother holds her child, watches him die
Hands to the sky crying, "Why, oh why?"

Cause I need to watch things die...from a distance
Vicariously I live while the whole world dies
You all need it too, don't lie

Why can't we just admit it?
Why can't we just admit it?
We won't give pause until the blood is flowing
Neither the brave nor bold
Will write as the story's told
We won't give pause until the blood is flowing

I need to watch things die...from a good safe distance
Vicariously I live while the whole world dies
You all feel the same, so...

Why can't we just admit it?

Blood like rain come down
Drum on grave and ground

Part vampire
Part warrior
Carnivore and Voyeur
Stare at the transmitter
Sing to the death rattle

La, la, la, la, la, la-la-lie (x4)

***Credulous at best your desire to believe in
Angels in the hearts of men
Pull your head on out your hippie haze and give a listen
Shouldn't have to say it all again
The universe is hostile, so impersonal
Devour to survive... so it is, so it's always been

We all feed on tragedy
It's like blood to a vampire

Vicariously I live while the whole world dies
Much better you than I"

No, I do not 100% agree with every aspect of the ideas espoused by this song's lyrics. I do however, feel that a good portion of what it is saying does apply to the current state of our society, if not our world.

Think about the news, our good old friends the MSM. When was the last time they showed something TRULY heartwarming, particularly that wasn't something which was a "viral video" on youtube?

Think about how we focus SO HEAVILY (thanks, MSM) on things such as the Casey Anthony murder trial. Or O.J. Simpson's murder trial. Think about our cultures fascination with war. Think about our cultures fascination with pain and agony. MMA. Boxing. Blood. Horror Films (hey, I love them, I'll admit it), Bull Fighting.The Fur industry. The Cattle / Pork / Chicken / Turkey / Carnivorous Food industry. Hunting when the person truly doesn't need to in order to feed their family. Wanton destruction. Mass euthenization of "Pet" animals. Drug Cartel Violence. Gang Violence. Road Rage. Rape. Pedophilia. Human Trafficking.

And let's look at some of the "good" things we are deluged with...

Miley Cyrus. Twerking. Kanye West & Kim whatsername getting engaged after "deciding" to have a child together (nope, not against it so much, but, I do think it's something that should generally be "planned" and that the example given publicly by these two is not good for children). US Wars. NFL. MLB. The War on Drugs. How SAFE we are as Americans (not to mention the rest of the world being safer BECAUSE of us Americans). Etc. Etc. Ad-nauseum.

I'll end my rant here. Thank you for reading. Please, just think. Chew on it. And consider.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by SadistNocturne

I think I know what you mean. I read some of Primo Levi's beautifully written books years ago - 'If Not Now, When' was one - not because I wanted to know the gory details of his time in Auschwitz, but because I was both repelled and fascinated by the human-ness of all parties involved.

Everything we do is 'normal' ie something a human can do. The depths and the heights of morality are all judged by the beholder, I guess.

I admit, I will turn away from such abhorrent acts as mutilation presented on a screen and I agree with you, that's about me and my sensibilities. Maybe my refusal to acknowledge that as a human, I could do that too.
edit on 25-10-2013 by beansidhe because: spelling

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