posted on Nov, 18 2004 @ 12:06 PM
You sit there and call this guy a murdering bastard from the comfy quarters of your computers, well thats real easy to do. You can't
possibly understand the stress these guys are faced with every single day. Adrenaline and fear will make anyone act first and question later. His unit
had been under constant attack, the guy had been wounded, seen a buddy killed by a booby trapped wounded combatant and you have the nerve to call this
guy a murderer!
Yes, I can understand the stress these guys are under. They are trained for it. They expect it. If they snap because of it, they are not fit to be
there. That's the rule, isn't it? Isn't there Rules of Engagement to follow?
Can I judge him from the comfort of my own home? Damn right I can, and I will. I live in a free country where I am free to express my opinion, and
if I think this particular Marine is guilty of murder, I have the freedom to say so.
Where's all the world outrage at the kidnapping, torture and murder of Civilian non-combatants, that are shot thru the head or beaten,
disembowed mutilated, head chopped off brutally for trying to help your average iraqi citizen??? Hypocrites![/
One is a highly trained military man with the latest technological killing machines, and one is a wacko with a knife and a crazy agenda. See the
One is supposed to be "liberating the country" and "promoting freedom", the other is a fundamentalist killer trying to drive out any and all
Iraq USED to be one of the most Westernized countries in the middle east, barring Israel. Look at it now. Who is to blame for making the current
situation in Iraq the way it is? Who is responsible for the security?
I call em as I see em, and this was coldblooded murder by a trained soldier who should know better. I don't care if he got shot the day before, if
one of his buddies died or if he just had some bad falafel, it's all excuses.