posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 11:39 PM
Interesting thread. There were a few occurrences a number of years back where something very similar happened to my Dad in the middle of the night.
He'd wake up every now and again and yell as soon as he opened his eyes. This happened a few times a month for about three or four months straight.
My brother and I have always believed the house to be haunted, and my Dad had denied it entirely up until these things started happening.
At first he said that he'd wake up and see a person in his doorway. Somebody wearing a plaid shirt. Then the next night it happened, the person was
darker, and closer to him.
The next time it happened, he woke up in the middle of the night and saw this red mist in his doorway, which made it's way toward the hallway and
closer to my younger brother's room until it was out of his sight entirely.
After that red mist night, he saw it a few more times, and then that was it for a while.
Nothing similar has happened as of late, but there are still footsteps in the night upstairs that I hear from the basement, and so on. I figure the
more you focus on paranormal stuff, the more open you are to experiencing it and noticing it happening around you, which is why my Dad continued to
have these recurring nights until he "forgot about them."