posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 09:05 AM
I recently decided it was time to learn how to use Linux, so I installed Mint on a new hard drive and started messing around with it a bit.
I normally use Windows 7, and I have a Logitech G510 keyboard. I usually use the macro keys on the side for things like opening and closing browser
tabs, closing open windows, etc etc. It's very convenient. However, in order to use those macro keys, I need to have the Logitech keyboard software
installed. It seems that in Linux, this is not possible.
Does anyone know a way to get the full use out of my gaming keyboard within Linux Mint? I'm almost not willing to switch over without the extreme
convenience of my macro keys.
Keep in mind that while I know how to use Windows, I'm an absolute noob with Linux as I've only been using it for about a grand total of 5 hours
with no prior knowledge or experience.