I visit ATS for about 2 years, didn't feel the need to register until today so I could post my findings about the issue.
As far as I can tell these are genuine;
First to re-visualize the photos and name the elements in it, I made two composite images;
photo 1 & 2 combined
photo 1 & 2 combined and visible outlines emphasized and the objects named through A to D
Now the first possible question is familiar;
Question Are these photos computer generated, or edited photos? Are these made in Photoshop?
Answer No, they are not CG and they are not edited in Photoshop, explanation follows. JPEG format is not just a raw image format, it has a
header. Even if the file does not has a metadata attached to it, there is still information about the program which the image is saved through. You
can take exactly the same image and save it by using various programs such as PhotoShop, ACDsee, etc. and the header of each output will differ. As in
programs, digital cameras have their own signature in the header (not metadata) of their formats too. For example in many cameras when you took a
picture and transfer it to the computer, you can view it on computer, but when you save the same image through another program and transfer it back
to the camera with the same filename and same location you can not view the image from the LCD display, the camera does not recognize the file, the
reason is when you save the image the saving program changes the images header. In this case the photos sent by the woodsyboy has this header (which
is fixed in both images)
Header code follows:
���� JFIF �� C #,%!*!&4'*./121%6:60:,010�� C
0 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000�� ��! ��
�� � ] !1AQa"q2���#B��R��$3br�
�� � w !1AQaq"2�B���� #3R�br�
$4�%�&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz�������������������������������������������������������������������������� ?
To view it just open the jpeg file in a text editor. Now I compared this header with PS and ACDsee outputs (of the same image) and those are obviously
Therefore the images are direct outputs of another program or hardware, in this case the the specific phone which woodsyboy mentioned. However I do
not have any other image that is saved by that specific phone model, I can not tell %100 that this images are directly outputted from a phone, in the
other hand I am absolutely sure these are not edited and outputted from PS or any other image editing software.
If someone has the same model cellphone, it is very easy to check just take two separate shots from the phone and open them in a text editor, there
should be a common header exactly same with each other in the beginning of the file. If those match with the header above than we can be sure that
these photos are outputted from that specific phone model.
Of course this finding does not state that every JPEG that has photoshops header on it, is fake, but it means that in its history it is edited in
some manner. (size, compression etc.)
Fact 1. The images are not edited in Photoshop, and are direct outputs of a digital camera( or cameraphone)
Fact 2. There are 4 saucer like objects visible in these shots.
Fact 3. The object A and B are alike, actually when outlining them I just copied and pasted the outline of B to A and it fitted.
Fact 4. The two lights seen on A is between the viewer and the object or directly on (or in) the object, as we consider A is opaque as B.
Fact 5. These two light sources are not naked against the camera, they are reflected or either filtered. As all the other light sources
in the image streak or glow these do not. They have a look like the softbox (the apparatus used in the photography studios, whitebox) effect. So what
we see are not the light sources but are illuminated by the light source. Otherwise they would streak and glow in the nightmode. Or they are very
Fact 6. The bright areas on A are rectangular, but They are not rectangular shaped spots otherwise they would streak like crazy.
Fact 7. The camera had (considerably) moved to the right between shot 1 and 2. So woodsyboy actually moved right in between two shots.
Another interesting point is that woodsyboy is not really defending these images harshly and does not insist that these are real in a unnatural
reaction. However there is something in creation that the creator person loves its creation (a rule) like the mother and child. Even if s/he wants it
or not s/he will defend it to the last point ( a general idea) and I can not see this in woodsyboys posts. He is like "man, I'm not the king, I am
just telling you the rules" as if he just encountered an event and passing it over. Also I am convinced he is young, 16 or so. Also imagine that this
thing happened to you instead of woodsyboy, and you came to post these so on so fort, it is always useful to think about things the other way around.
In fact we all know such a scene is a possibility as anything is possible.
With these facts on sight, can this event can be hoaxed. Well there are two ways: images must be edited before they have been received by the
camera, such as setting up the whole scene in reality. The other way is having a grand knowledge of the header issue and edit it to match a digital
camera or phone. But I believe the second one is not a big possibility, I also believe that most of you didn't even know about JPEG headers anyway. A
hoaxer would think "so who would look to the header" or he wouldn't think about it at all.
So I perceive these images as real. However the question is;
"So WHAT?"
Is this the first fascinating thing that occurred? What can you do. Such unexplained things are as you can guess from its name are the things which
has no definition therefore they can be anything and therefore nothing. Everybody will forget, there will be something new. Even if thousand people
witnessed such an event. nothing. They will still be a thousand people in some other place on earth who witnessed something, in the eyes of the rest 6
billion people. Unbelievable things always happen. people got killed without reason. whole world witnesses it. So what. Things will be forgotten. so
on so forth.