RealTruth, Love Your OP! I am taken back a bit though that more have not read this ? ......
Any Ways, Right On !
The main reason that more have not commented, or maybe even not clicked on the OP at all is the fact they are scared to death.
Fear plain and simple.
The fact that someone would have to admit their current MO and their way of life has been handed to them through trickery, lies, and illusion would
mean that people wasted a majority of their life working as a slave.
What I mean by slave is not so much to TBTB, but more to their ego's.
Debt only exists if we allow it, if one signs away their life because they want "Bling". When a person's awareness does finally come they feel angry,
confused, and scared because this was not what they wanted.
TPTB create more paper and illusion for people that want to play their game, hence mortgages, debt, credit cards, paper money, hourly wages, set
numbers, social classes, Democrats, Republicans, Banks, etc....
They invent the game and many people play it blindly.
Critical thinking does help and is not encouraged, but I also think that intuition is something that is ridiculed and not developed from an early age.
Both are needed for greater awareness, yet both seem to be shunned.
Comfort comes with self-empowerment, and that is a scary thing these days, because the majority of us have given our power away to others from
edit on 20-10-2013 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)