posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by badgerprints
Its common curtesy to declare if you are posting from a seperation source or drawing your conclusion from the OP I have 7 links there. I read the
article however the links within the article I skimed over.
Do you agree or dissagree that less than 1% of the scientists dissagree that global warming is caused by humans. .7% actually. I noticed you left that
part out when sumerizing.
As far as the OP goes a phage pointed out its about the media misrepresenting the overall consensus in the scientific community. Would you say they
represent it accurately or in accurately?
I sometimes hear them act like climate gate was actually a scandle. The only thing scandleous about it was how the media twisted it. It was about tree
rings for gods sake. Some are actually trying to say its cooling. That's pretty damn deceitful.
From now on I will be more careful when replying I tend to get sloppy when I am in a rush. It's a lesson learned.
Yes I should have looked closer at your post but I was in a hurry and it didn't look familiar but when people throw up quotes without sourcing them it
agrivates me to the point where I don't pay them much attention.
I am glad to see you read my threads even if you don't agree with me I don't usually think anyone will in the first place when posting them. I just
want people to think about them and that's enough.
edit on 13-10-2013 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)