posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 06:59 AM
What you have written there is quite beautiful, but also quite sad...
It's a bit like loss, it is something that you wanted, but you weren't sure whether the other person wanted the same as you, and you never found out
and you will never know...
I have always lived with the fact that if you don't know, then the best thing to do is to find out the answer if possible. I have never found it
difficult, if I liked a particular girl and I wanted to go out for a date with her, then I would ask her. If she said no, then obviously she wasn't
interested and I would continue with my life. I am not the best looking bloke in the world, but there are other niceties about me and I have always
used them to my advantage if possible...
There no point mulling things over, go straight to the point and ask the question, if you get knocked back, then so be it, at least you tried. You
can't win it if you are not in it...
As for now, obviously you are thinking about her again. Then why not try and find out where she is and see what her circumstances are. For all you
know she may have married, got divorced and is now on her own waiting for a new person to come along and sweep her off her feet, and that my friend
could be you, yes you....
So give it a try, this time in a month your life could be so different from now, remember you are only here on this earth once, so at least make it a
great as you can...
You know you want to.......
edit on 12-10-2013 by davethebear because: (no reason given)