originally posted by: LurkingRelentlessly
this is all covered thoroughly in bill coopers mystery Babylon series which can be found on youtube.
the assassins are just one chapter in the long story of the mystery schools.
I would not trust anything called mystery Babylon as it is likely produced by a fundamental Christian, admitted or otherwise.
Interesting though it may be it's not like every esoteric order in history has the same origins and are all connected.
The only connection they all have is they are not Christianity, which to a Christian fundamentalist means they all worship Satan.
But they don't. Hashashin especially, being Muslims, can not be said to worship Satan without saying that about Jews and Christians too because they
have the same God.
I bet Mystery Babylon accuses them of that or moon god worship, which, again, would apply to Jews and Christians, who invented the concept of Mystery
Which is represented by America today as the super power of the world and home of the world's biggest Semiramis/Isis/Ishtar statue.
Queen of Babylon standing in the biggest city in the nation as the anti Colossus, welcoming all.
Babylon the Great has fallen while the gates of hell have preserved the Church of "Peter" or the RCC.
Babylon the Great IS the RCC, and Christianity by extension.
Biblical Christianity, not Gnostic or Nazarene Christianity, though different are peaceful intellectuals today while Pauline Babylonian Christianity
worships Baal, Dagon and Ishtar as God, Jesus and Mary.
Baal died and resurrected, as ALL sun gods did.
Was the Son of God/El, or grandson, depending on the source.
Ishtar descended to hell to ressurect Tammuz in one version of the Gilgamesh epic where in another Gilgamesh seeks to find a shem, Nimrod also sought
a shem for himself to get to heaven.
It doesn't mean name in either case. I think it is a priest or vessel to heaven, but not a spaceship like AA theorists do because it was a way to get
to heaven in Gilgamesh and Genesis.
They lack the esoteric mind to realize it means Shaman, God is The Shem, so a Shem that can take you to heaven must be like a super priest or Shaman.
Shem's name does NOT mean Name. My Name is Name is terrible for anyone to have to say, stupid and misdirection from its true meaning.
Which is derived from Shemash the sun god of the Semites of Mesopotamia in the time of Hammurabi.