posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 12:12 PM
originally posted by: whyamIhere
C'mon man.
Jesus is the most documented person in History.
You can question his story.....but he certainly wasn't made up.
No, he is not the most documented person in history. There are a few scant sources from around or after his lifetime, such as Josephus or the New
Testament itself.
2000 years of religious people writing ABOUT Jesus after the fact does not constitute "documentation." Those are secondary sources based on the
myths and scant primary sources.
Second, there are countless more people in history that have far more first-person or primary source documentation, such as let's say famous
politicians or figures from the last 300 years. I assure you that there are probably far more primary and first-hand sources of people like Napoleon
or George Bush than there are of Jesus.
Third, as many have pointed out, he probably did exist. That has nothing to do with whether the claims of evangelical or fundamentalist Christians are
true, such as heaven/hell/original sin/salvation through Jesus only, etc.