NSA spying.. ?? OMG.. ! Are you kidding me.. ( yes.. they’ve been doing it since it’s inception, Bush Jr. even said so, get used to it, you do
remember his daddy was the head of CIA …right .. )
Congressional investigative committee..
... questions who did this.. And why ..
(no answers as it’s all written down in the patriot act) every top head in the CIA just looks at every one and shrugs their shoulders at Congress..
Congress, shrugs it’s shoulders back .. and lays the hammer down.. adjourned..
Yea…here it goes... Distractions….
• Chem bomb explodes in Syria, so we’re told; President of Syria is silent, for the most part...
o The only country willing to step into war w/o negotiations, USA
o Pressure builds from Russia, USA backs off…
Can’t get into Syria, pissed off at the American congress and it’s people
• Massive MSM blanket coverage of Syria about to go to war...
Still at war in Afghanistan (although Russia isn’t opposing it
Maybe Syria wasn’t part of the deal, as the rest of the world leaders are silent over Syria………..
Trigger-->BAM! Debt Celing…..whaaa?
Tigger-->BAM Gov. Shutdown (more like a gov slow down)
Trigger-->BAM…another lone gunman.. this time it’s a whacky mom with a baby in the car.. gets shot immediately after baby is taken out of harms
way…no video of any gun or reports it was her.. just some crazy lady with a baby hearing voices…again.. Actually talking on her cell with the
So, ATS, fill in the blanks. If you can’t see it, think about it, who stands to gain from the gov.shutdown, war in Syria, war in Afghanistan,who..?
Certainly it’s not the American public that pay the taxes to KEEP the US government going…
It’s certainly NOT the Syrians that gain from a war about to be waged in their country, tech wise.. they lost already ..
And it’s NOT the Afganistanis that have been at war for centuries with the entire planet .. for the billionth time.. since time began… do a
history of the wars in Afghanistan………as in goggle it.. or wiki it .. don’t read a history book .. oh .. and tech wise.. they’re using AK
47’s to ‘wage’ a war.. with a technologically advance country 50x greater in tech, manpower and cash flow ..
It’s all in the math .. or is it...
Got any other points you want to add.. oh come on .. I’m sure there’s more .. which pill will you decide to take.. ?
did you catch it ? what's missing in my summary .. *grin*