posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 08:07 AM
People are stressed beyond limits and its starting to show. Whether the gov was involved is irrelevant. Its like the kid on the play ground that keeps
flicking boogers at you. Eventually you snap and choke him through the swing set.
The whole nation is wound up tighter than a dude from Jersey trying to catch a break from his bookie.
Once people start snapping, it becomes more common place and then becomes the new normal. We have yet to really experience that here in America as
other countries deal with it on a daily basis. Honestly we have been fairly lucky up until now. I'd just get used to it and move on. If someone snaps
around you, make sure you know where your out is so you don't become a statistic.
Maybe this is t he beginning throes of people being jarred awake and they are acting out the side effect of such.
If you haven't ever seen someone jarred awake, it isn't pretty, and some don't come back from it.