Doesn't matter if you like my analyzes or not, I have to continue.
The only way the above scheme is not true (for planet Earth) is if the final Tribulation has arrived on planet Earth. Recent statements of Russian
patriarch about that are one solid argument. However he warned of a possibility not of certainty.
Another moment is the Saudi recent moves. 2 Esdras 15:28 until the end and the next last chapter of
the KNOWN books show a dramatic development that sees "dragons of Arabia"
2 Esdras 15: 28Where the nations of the dragons of Arabia shall come out with many chariots, and the multitude of them shall be carried as the
wind upon earth, that all they which hear them may fear and tremble.
30 Also the Carmanians raging in wrath shall go forth as the wild boars of the wood, and with great power shall they come, and join battle with them,
and shall waste a portion of the land of the Assyrians.
Later on he speaks of stars and a star (Arabian or Assyrian is unclear), that will inflict great damage on Babylon. WHile it might be speculated the
Babylon fall happened in history, it never happened with the use of a "star". Rather the prophet speaks of the future Babylon the great (not
necessarily NY or Rome or any temporary city).
If we are in those days, we can refer to the Revelation chapters as well (Daniel quoted by Esdras in previous chapters).
I DON'T KNOW if we are in that time-line. I leave to your interpretation the current world events. Only pls notice that Esdras (or Ezra) is the only
Bible prophet who fixed who stays behind the fearful dragon. Arabians. The Revelation and Daniel don't do that.
The attempts of some ultra-conservative catholic groups to assign that role of the dragon to the Soviet Union and today to Russia are baseless. Some
even try to put both the dragon and the beast in the same shoes. Wrong! The beast who was and is not should be the USSR and the red dragon the
communism. How then they both are the same political entity? That fell down? Not to mention that the communist ideas are created by Marx who is German
philosopher much earlier than Lenin's communist state.
It is easy to throw accusation not based on anything in the Bible. We don't know where the dragon from heaven will land (Revelation 12). But we know
it will happen only AFTER the Rapture of the Manchild. That event even a limited rapture haven't happened so far. Neither the space war. Only then the
dragon comes for his battle on Earth. 2 Esdras puts that place in Arabia.
Much is speculated for the beast. But as we see the dragon is coming from heaven/space and he is NOT an earthly being. He is extraterrestrial (race).
Perhaps the beast could be too. You all have seen the movies of creatures called Transformers. Gordon Duff in Veterans today reported alleged info
that on the bottom of the ocean (Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, others?) there is self-conscientious Oil that could be energized somehow from outside ET
race. If that is true, that fulfills the nature of the Beast who rises from the sea at request of the dragon. Much more if that oil could add up
metallic parts, exactly as it is in Transformers. I leave it to the future inhabitants of the earth to determine whether or not that fulfills
Revelation and Daniel. This is what we know at this present moment, and the information flow changes too fast to cope with.
One thing should be made clear. And it could not unless the reader understands the basic principles that drove Einstein's theory. There are enough
educational materials online. Michio Kaku is one of them. The fact that the time flow is NOT linear. It appears linear on earth as it appears the
earth is flat. But the way the earth is curved in a similar way the time may make curves sometimes. Not to go back in time, I am not going to discuss
that. But it is proven that a massive black hole will retain time flow, the flow will be slow downed according to outside observer.
In other words, if the Earth enters into its final Tribulation, it will be closed in a region of space-time called Event horizon and similar to Black
hole (the physics cannot be explained so easily in one-two paragraphs). The point is the Earth may have 7 years while in outside Universe millions of
years will pass.
Why Millions or billions? Because the Universe has its own timespan. It is nowhere near to the collapse or Big Crunch as some theories envision.
Having already at least 13 billion years life, it is logical and consistent with the numerous theories of mainstream astronomy that the Universe isn't
going to end any time soon.
In the Revelation final chapters it is written quite clear the very fabrics of the Universe will be changed, including elimination of the death. The
elements will change, say Peter and Paul. The sea will be no more. The Universe will be re-created. I don't think this will happen in a 1000 years
after 7 y trib. This will happen in a billion years. If indeed the earth goes into the final Trib it will be surrounded by a black-hole-like object
that will close space-time for it to have only 7 years during the Universe's lifespan given by God. The last 1000 years after the Second Coming of
Jesus are clear - they are the victory of Jesus and he will reign from earth but also the entire Universe. Otherwise we limit His role to one planet
only while having trillions of God's creature. It is wrong and narrow minded view.
Let you contemplate on these issues and drill into theory little bit more than what you know today. Tomorrow you will not have that time. Especially
if you are unfortunate enough to miss the rapture spaceships and to be enclosed in the black hole earth.
Woman in the desert might be exactly Russian remote lands like Siberia where God is honored most of all, according to modern apparitions. There might
be other such lands as Brazil, say other apparitions. I don't know. If you end up there, you may remember what I wrote and expect the end of the Trib
saintly there. You will miss the millions of years but that would be what you've chosen.
"The rest of her offspring" Rev 12:17 I see in the Russian revived CHRISTIANITY not beast. Russia will oppose the rising dragon to certain degree. It
is clear from contemporary Russian Orthodox policy what role contemporary Russia will play.
2 Esdras 15:29 nails it down. Arabian dragons. Not Russian, marxist, communist, or masonic. Arabian of the most fundamental ones. Those for whom to
kill an ambassador of the country that gave them the power in Lybia means nothing more than the next operative action. Be aware they do exist. Whether
or not the dragon comes now, again, I don't know. It might be after 4000 years.
edit on 23-10-2013 by 2012newstart because: (no reason