posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 11:01 PM
Love the new layout, congratulations to all the community who helped with the facelift on the site, its very modern, easy to navigate, wow thats alot
of code!!! We should be able to donate pizzas to all those late nights spent on all this hard work for us, thanks!
I noticed when browsing forums the icons on the left side are confusing, Im not sure what they mean or what they are, one is an up arrow I can infer
is some sort of stay on top arrow like a sticky? Another is a flag, guessing that means very popular. Problem is I am guessing. The pinned icon
should well look like a pin or something were used to seeing.
Id like these to maybe have a mouseover on hover over the icons saying "sticky" or most popular, for users like me new or returning so we feel more
at home on the site.