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Father disowns daughter in epic letter when she kicks out her gay son

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posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:49 PM

Christian Voice
reply to post by Domo1

What the hell is twerk and what does that have to do with the discussion ? Are you insinuating that your gayness is enough to turn someone gay ?
Thank you for adding stupidity to the thread. Your response to the thread is to come onto me. Stupid

Remember the Miley Cyrus uproar plastered all over the news. What she was doing was twerking according to my teen son.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

I Agree

I don't think anyone is born gay.. Just like no one is born an alcoholic.. and just like no one is born a murderer.. just like no one is born a liar. Just because you have a genetic disposition towards a disorder or mindset, doesn't necessarily make you a victim of your forefather. Example: people with heart disease know they should avoid eating unhealthy foods that may lead to a heart attack.. people born in a family of drinking alcohol should avoid drinking alcohol as they have a higher tendency to alcoholism.. I don't buy the theory that people are born gay.

Why do i believe people aren't born gay? Because they don't reproduce!

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by palmalBlue2

Thank you, but I still dont have any idea what it is. Is it some kind of dance? If Miley did it it had to be vulgar though.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by WorthlessServant

Awesome post, two thumbs up, however you are about to be hit with some very ridiculousness about this. Alot of folks on here believe God made them gay to control the population. Absurd!!

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:12 PM

Christian Voice
reply to post by palmalBlue2

Thank you, but I still dont have any idea what it is. Is it some kind of dance? If Miley did it it had to be vulgar though.

Honestly, yes, its vulgar. but I am not good at linking. If you really want to know, google it. The awards show. Iis a nasty 'dance' / bottum wiggle that you send pics or vids to all you friends via social media from what I understand. Im sure someone will be along to correct me if Im wrong.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:14 PM
After reading through this thread I'm getting that the "Christian Voice" believes in the kind of "god" who would condemn someone to eternal torment, and limitless pain simply for loving the wrong "kind" of person....yet you would claim that god is an all loving one?

Someone has said it better than me.

You realize that makes the opposite of sense to anyone who stops to think about it, right?

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:14 PM

Christian Voice
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I am not fanatical. So teaching my children that homosexuality is wrong = teaching hatred ? How does that add up ?
you characterize. You have spent several pages making sure everyone knows that you think being gay is morally wrong. I call that fanatical. I honestly am not going to quote all the hateful things you have said about homosexuals. The evidence stands on its own merits, scrawled on the prior pages of this thread.

I know you nor anyone else will believe this but I do not hate anyone. It irks the fire out of me that everyone pro gay has the mentality of "Agree with me or you hate me". That's not the case at all.
If you don't hate them, then why would you equate being trashy with being homosexual? They both go hand in hand? What constitutes trashy? Your own subject opinion? Which you seem to link directly to homosexuality (because, as you said, they are the same thing). Having an opinion is one thing. Stating it is another. Spending page after page arguing about how morally wrong it is...that takes a fanatical type of viewpoint.

At the end of the day, you have your position. I have tried to urge you to be more reasoned in your approach. Others have pointed out how the bible you espouse does not support your behavior, although it may support your viewpoint. They have also gone on to point out how you selectively choose which parts of the book of Leiticus you want to adhere to. The hypocrisy of the entire position has been exposed. But that is brushed aside for page after page of you not being hateful.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by palmalBlue2

Thank you very much.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:34 PM

And do you really I mean really think that a stupendous omnipotent INTELLIGENT creator would give a poo about what you wear what you think or eat or your son/daughter being gay?

Yes, because according to their belief god is very busy judging humans 24/7. Actually, for them,it seems to be god's main purpose. To judge and to create fear. Thus, as he said, "God fearing" Christian. Now tell me about another religion where someone needs to "fear" their god?

Even worse, he is not only obsessed with a judging god you have to fear, because this idea would still be halfway acceptable if we talk about intentionally doing bad. People like OP are going so far that he wants to blame and judge people for things they are not even under their control, such as, well being gay. He will, in 1000 years, still believe that they have "chosen" to be gay..and not only was this a "choice" they made, it was actually an evil choice,a "sin" other words something with evil intentions, an act committed knowing that it is "wrong". (Basically, the same mind-set people had in the 14th century, heck even the Pope is cool compared to that...)

And of course he will continue to believe that with praying and his so called "morals" in his family the gay disease/sin can be prevented. you know (SARCASM), we know that gays do not come from religious "god fearing" homes. (SARCASM OFF)

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

So in your mind then two wrongs make a right. No matter how ya spin this there is no winner. The grandfather is a hypocrite. Isn't the rule, don't do as I say but do as I do? Well look dad, she did. Now we know where she gets it from.


edit on 10/5/2013 by paxnatus because: typo

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 12:29 AM

reply to post by AthlonSavage

I don't think anyone is born gay.. Just like no one is born an alcoholic.. and just like no one is born a murderer.. just like no one is born a liar. Just because you have a genetic disposition towards a disorder or mindset, doesn't necessarily make you a victim of your forefather. Example: people with heart disease know they should avoid eating unhealthy foods that may lead to a heart attack.. people born in a family of drinking alcohol should avoid drinking alcohol as they have a higher tendency to alcoholism.. I don't buy the theory that people are born gay.

Why do i believe people aren't born gay? Because they don't reproduce!

So people aren't born heterosexual either, by your reasoning. Nor are people born not killers. Etc.

As for your reasoning that people aren't born gay because they don't reproduce, that just shows how ignorant you are. Plenty of people have tried to ignore/wish away their homosexuality by getting married and having kids, only later to get divorced and come out.

There's a whole lot of raging homophobes in this thread. Hard to believe that in this day and age, people are still so bigoted.

It's very presumptuous for anyone to say that no one is born homosexual. What gives such persons such confidence in this knowledge. Apparently persons like this insist on not acknowledging the experiences and words of any number of gay persons who have explained that they since they were quite young they were attracted to people of the same sex.

How about hermaphrodites? What is their sexuality when they are born? How about other person with unusual sexual genetic traits? There are certainly humans with physical ones. Why not persons with mental ones, i.e. their sexual outlook/preference?

And poster, why are you saying that people might use the excuse of that they are victims of their forefathers? You obviously know jack about genetics. Ever heard of recessive traits? Ever hear of mutations?

What I really don't understand is why any one gives a rip about the sexuality of anyone else besides one's partner. Live and let live people, and quit trying to apply your narrow-minded, ignorant views of biology and psychology to others. You don't want to have sexual relations with a person of the same sex? Fine. No one's forcing you to do so, unless you're in prison or you are a youngster and go to the wrong church.

I don't by the theory that all humans are intelligent beings.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 12:33 AM

reply to post by tothetenthpower

So in your mind then two wrongs make a right. No matter how ya spin this there is no winner. The grandfather is a hypocrite. Isn't the rule, don't do as I say but do as I do? Well look dad, she did. Well now we know where she gets it from.

NO. The father/grandfather gave his daughter a taste of her own medicine. From the tone of his letter, it doesn't sound like he ever ostracized any of his children before his daughter kicked her son out. So, no, we don't know where the daughter got it from. I'll take a wild guess, however, and suggest that she got the notion from her church.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 12:36 AM
If you read more then what was quoted the Dad fair rips into her, luckily enough now the child will grow up with the right people and not his # wit mother!

I cannot that the people have to go this far just deal with the fact and live in the now!

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by MrInquisitive

This forum is full of hate speech against homosexuals and its allowed as long as you say its "god" that wants to murder and torture them.

There is hope for the future though.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by Christian Voice

Calm yourself. I'm not gay, and I'm not hitting on you. I was trying to lighten the mood with a joke that included a current event (and simultaneously mocking said event). It was more self deprecating than anything, because I would look ridiculous 'twerking'. I was admittedly trying to poke at you, but thought you would find it at least slightly amusing.

You keep saying you're not hateful, that you can love the person and hate the sin. I agree with that. It's something I've been trying to work on personally. I started a thread about a guy that got in a shootout with a cop, and back in the day I would have hated the guy. Now I just feel sad for him. Hate the sin, love the sinner.

There are a LOT of things the Bible tells us are sins. The Bible says we are sinners when we are born. You are a sinner. You have sinned. We all have. I bet you've used the Lord's name in vain. I bet you've done a number of sinful things.

Why rally around such a stupid cause? There are so many more terrible sins that cause actual suffering. You're choosing to fight something that is akin to masturbating instead of murder, child abuse, starvation or any other REAL human suffering. Gay people are the least of your problems even if I agreed homosexuality is wrong, which I don't.

We all sin. Homosexuality is (if you consider it a sin) so low on the sin priority list.

God loves all of his children. Jesus taught us to love. So i'll carry on loving the straight people, the gay people, the weirdos and sinners. I'll accept them, and accept that I'm not worthy to judge.

I doubt I could ever change your mind. Just do me a favor, and treat gay people as you would want to be treated. They aren't monsters. They too are loved by God.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 12:58 AM

I'll take a wild guess, however, and suggest that she got the notion from her church.
reply to post by MrInquisitive

Nice Dig! If in doubt blame the church, especially if "they represent" something you abhor.

I have to tell you, the idea of "tit for tat" or handing someone a "dose of their own medicine", is good parenting proves you are not interested in that child's welfare at all, only that the score is even! Ya know this is a perfect example of the end does not justify the means!

It's simple logic.

Mother kicks out son.Father kicks out daughter. Regardless of who did what first! They are both in the wrong. It's common sense. How is the grandfather even considering what the child is learning in this lesson? What is the point of him following the same dastardly act? What does it accomplish? Nothing!! It is an emotional knee jerk reaction exactly
the reaction his daughter demonstrated!

And yes she learned while growing up, intolerance. Well dear old dad just proved he was the teacher...Let's save one child and value him more by devaluing the other. It's an immature, stupid mentality.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 01:40 AM

reply to post by bigman88

They were honest and upfront about it, and i would still love them unconditionally. The only thing i would tell them is that i don't accept it, and neither does God. You were born a male/female, and the natural order of all creation is that the opposite sexes attract, and maybe procreate.

Oh, and is your car natural? Your computer? Your cell phone? The office you work at, is it a tree? Or is it a steel-and-glass contraption filled to bursting with technology that didn't just grow?

I smell hypocrisy. If you want to push the "it ain't natural" button, I'm sure some Amish live in your area and would be happy to demonstrate just how unnatural your lifestyle is.

Hypocrisy my ass.

Your comparing tech to sexual orientation.

Newly developed Tools utilized to complete daily tasks versus living an unnatural sexual lifestyle not created or intended by our creator.

Is a car a lifestyle? Is a computer a lifestyle? What about a cell phone? Are any of these things a lifestyle within itself?

You can do better here, Afterinfinity. Many more routes to take...

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by paxnatus

I don't know how you were raised, but the duo golden rule in my family was "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" and "getting a taste of one's own medicine". And the latter essentially concerns an object lesson vis a vis Jesus' Golden Rule: Do onto others as you would want done to yourself, the point being to show someone how it might not feel so good if they then get treated in the same poor fashion they treat others; it's a rather powerful teaching method. This is precisely what the father/grandfather did. You say, without any evidence, that the daughter was raised by her parents to be intolerant. Being that the father is trying to teach her a lesson in tolerance, your claim appears unfounded. The fact that you come to your conclusion on the matter of this father without any evidence whatsoever is very telling.

You and others are calling the father a hypocrite, which is just a load of crock. So when society arrests kidnappers and puts them in jail that is hypocrisy too, huh? Would corporal punishment for a child who beat on a much younger sibling also be hypocrisy? I would think it would teach said child that it ain't cool being on the receiving end of physical force from a much larger person.

The father in this case is attempting to show his daughter the error of her ways. There is no evidence in the story that we have, that the father is intolerant of any group of people, let alone his offspring. What he is intolerant of is the abomination of his daughter disowning/kicking out her teenage son (a minor) because he is gay -- because of a horrendous action on her part, not because of anything innate in her. He also leaves the door open to her to rejoin the family if she "finds her heart." He's not threatening permanent ostracizing as the mother is of her son. No hypocrisy here.

As to why I surmise her church/religion taught her to be intolerant of gays: given that her father (and I assume her mother) didn't teach her this, I don't know where else she would pick up such values. From friends and peers? Very doubtful. Hence my guess is that it is her church/religion. I wasn't just making a gratuitous jab at religion either; rather, I was making a reasoned deduction. And in no way do I think that all churches/religions are so homophobic and/or intolerant/hateful of gays, so I wasn't just blaming religion/her church out of hand; however, to see what some of the "Christians" who wear their religion on their sleeves have to say in this thread, it is obvious that some religious folk hold very intolerant, as well as ignorant, views on homosexuality -- not to mention biology and psychology -- which doesn't surprise me in the least.

edit on 5-10-2013 by MrInquisitive because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 03:58 AM

she did right thing.

Smells like trolls in here.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 04:05 AM
reply to post by Xaphan

I just delivered a view, so what if you don't like it go get some airfresher and spray yourself.

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