posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 07:50 AM
Are those pushing the New World Order agenda winning or losing?
This view suggests that those working behind the scenes to implement a New World Order are successfully fulfilling their goals. World politics,
worldwide economics and sociology all point towards the formation of a One World Government which will eventually control the lives of the global
population. Some believe this is being done slowly, others believe it is excelling at a rapid pace. Either way, plans are in motion and those
resisting are being silenced. Major events have taken place to restrict the rights of the individual and limit their freedoms. All this has been done
to ensure easier conditioning and less resistance.
This view suggests that those working to establish a One World Government are losing the battle and will not fulfil their goals as intended. It seems
never before have so many people been "awake" (or aware) of events taking place behind the scenes. People. generally, also seem to be more tolerant
and accepting of each other's differences. In addition, it only seems like the world is in such a bad way because of how fast we can now access
information compared to times past. Terrible things have taken place throughout history; we just haven't been able to digest as much information at
any one time in the past as we have in recent times.
This view suggests things are not so clear. From one perspective, many signs point towards globalisation and a One World Government or central
authority capable of controlling the majority of the worldwide population. On the other hand, however, it seems more people are employing their
critical thinking skills and discussing alternative/conspiratorial topics more freely. Many are not as vulnerable to media programming as times past
and this makes things harder for those pushing the NWO agenda.
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So, what are your views on the situation?