posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by AmberLeaf
I respect your opinion. For some it is a crap, for others it is something unknown.
To say that its is space debris or nothing is too vague and simplistic. As i said, these pictures are public, anyone can put them together and make
the videos.
How big have to be a debris or satellite to be seen coming up from the other side of Earth?
I dont try to fool anyone, i just try to discover (if possible) what can be some of these objects, i will not say it is space debris or other thing
just because I think, that's why we share, to listen others opinion, to have a better and deeper analysis.
We have the choice to question about the things, or to accept everything without questioning.
I didn't say in any moment what these things are, and i can't because an answer will not come from anyone's guessing.