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Creationists on Texas Panel for Biology Textbooks

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posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 04:09 PM

reply to post by Grimpachi

I am amazed at how many times people have slammed the Dept. of Education for the books which are used in our schools. They never stop to realize most of the country takes the lead of the Texas State School Board.

amazed? here on ATS?...why almost everyone here hates the federal government...of course the bible-thumping red states are sacred, and perfect, so Texas is off-limits...and you are right on the text books being "OKed" by texas state school board for most of the country, I think I even saw that on an old "60 minutes" show.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 07:04 PM
I'm from Texas and I'll give you (without your asking or charge) my nickel's worth on this issue.
Basically, it politics....rather its filling the coffers of the politicians.
More than likely, those people are appointed to the board by the governor. He doesn't pick penniless dopes like me for any of his job offerings. Lists are made of job openings. People wanting such and such a job let that be know. Of course, this is after they have substantially aided the gov in his fund-raising for office and maybe even promises to aid him even more when he runs to be Prez again.

One thing for sure, you don't buck sentiments over God in Texas unless you live in places like Austin that is mostly these days displaced Californians and assorted Yankees (like me).

So the gov will salt the board with a few of those bible-carriers, to make them happy (and for their money). After all, this is Texas. An awful lot of rural folks these hereabouts like God and they will vote that way if it comes down to a choice (much like voting for or against the color of the candidate).

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