posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 11:52 AM
Not sure how many of you heard of the Genesis 3D movie in production and is taking funds on Indiegogo to support it. I think this may be the first
full length movie on Creation, it is 3D and computer animated.
They are taking the word of God literally along with the help of scientist and experts to try to make the movie as accurate as possible to how
creation unfolded and what it would look like. It sounds interesting, they have some trailers for it already, but right now are raising funding to
complete the project.
So far the funding is going well for them, but if you like to contribute you can get a copy of the movie when finished.
They are using new 3D and I think they also may have copies of the older 3D available as well.
$30 download of the movie
$60 Blu-Ray DVD with 3D glasses and also a regular DvD with older 3D I believe.
I'm not associated with the producers other than being a fellow Christian.
By the way, "the Gap theory" will not be part of it, although that idea I do not dismiss as being possible myself.
The creators of this movie do not subscribe to the Gap theory as far as I know.