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How can god have a chosen people when DNA proves we are all from same Origin? Even bible agree's.

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posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by the2ofusr1

Not comparing anybody.
Where did I imply that?

What I am saying is if we don't believe people that claim god speaks to them now, why then do we believe men of ancient times did?

Do you believe GWB had a conversation with God that told him to bomb Iraq?

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by Toadmund

You know I don't believe I do and Ill tell you why . It was about the oil ....My father was brutally murdered in 1996 ,the guy that did it was a friend of the family . He told the court that the Devil told him to do it .It would seem that people hear voices telling them things .Some people listen and some people don't .With the technology they have today ,they say its possible to get into your head . Do you believe that ?

ps . you compared modern day bums and George bush to Bronzed age men in your previous post .inferring that one was to be more believable then the other ..or that neither could be believed .And I am thinking that you are a non believer so it wouldnt matter who said what ,when, or how ....Unless you think that a God wanting to communicate with man should use a pig or a donkey or tea leaves ..take your pick but please tell me if you were the god that created all things ,what mode would you use .
edit on 3-10-2013 by the2ofusr1 because: added a ps

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 01:41 AM
To claim that Jews are not better than you is anti-semitism.

Mossad now has a lisence to kill you because hey, "never again"

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by Rapha

Because sin alters our D.N.A.

Initially at birth everyone's name is in the Book of Life.

When sin occurs our name is erased out of the Book.

Only through repentance and seeking forgiveness through the Blood (perfect DNA) of Yahushua is our DNA altered and our name written back into the Book of Life.

YHWH's chosen few are those mortals who are Born Again Christians.

Again, I agree with most that you wrote, but I believe there is something beyond Christian....Muslim, Buddhist...hindu...

and whats beyond all this, is just LOVE!!

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by the2ofusr1

Do you think Abraham was sane?
Did god really test him to see if he would really murder his son?
Or was Abe completely nutso?

Would you think it was god, or the devil? If someone told you that they have communication with god, do you take their word for it? Then why take the word of an ancient man when he says god talks to him.

Did people back then believe in mental illness?
Like some woman said to me about god, 'you've got to believe in something'

I suppose I believe in mental illness.

I am agnostic by the way.

If I was god you ask?
I would speak to more than just a few people, why must we take someones word for it? What is stopping his/her/its omnipotence from revealing itself so we can all believe to end all this bickering BS?

Why doesn't god do that?
Maybe it's because there is no god at all?

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 06:36 AM

How can god have a chosen people when DNA proves we are all from same Origin? Even bible agrees. Adam and Eve duh...I am a Jew and so are you!

- Adam and Eve never happened. Science proves it.

- Just because people have the same DNA doesn't exclude culture. God can have a 'specially chosen people' because of culture. It doesn't have to be DNA.

- And no .. I don't think the Jews are 'specially chosen'. Considering how God let them suffer in WWII, I don't see them as being in His special graces .. ya' know??

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 06:42 AM

Because sin alters our D.N.A.

Oh wow. Just ... WOW.

Do you think Abraham was sane?

Better yet ... do the posters think Abraham even existed??

Did Abraham Exist - ATS Thread
Abraham, Prophet of God or Something Else - ATS Thread

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 06:43 AM
I believe many Jewish people have a gene that does not exist in other people. So their DNA IS different.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by libertytoall

Really '? Why ?

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by Toadmund

agnostic .. a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god
: a person who is unwilling to commit to an opinion about something
If a God that created the universe actually talked to you ,would you believe it ? I am sure there were enough people back then that would be considered crazy back then .Tell me ,do stupid people know they are dumb ? If you have read the bible you would conclude that the God of the bible did talk to more then one person .Why does He not do what you would like Him to do ? Good question ,but it would mean that you would have to ask Him and seek Him to give you the answer . You maybe right but you just might be dead wrong too ...Life is very short and we cannot have all the answers we might like to have .I get along just fine with what He has revealed to me .But it did take a step of faith in His Son .....peace

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 07:46 PM
There is no place in the scriptures that say the genetic "Jews"(the Tribe of Judah or the Southern Kingdom) are 'THE" chosen people of God.It's all religious extrapolation made into a doctrine of men.
Israel is Gods chosen people.Israel means "struggles with God"which perfectly describes all of mankind.Israel is ALL of mankind ...the chosen people.

There is no elitism with God.For millenniums congregations of people feel they are favored and superior to others.They separate themselves and look down at all others as inferior and not worthy.If they see another group acting the same way they despise them.There are always friction then factions form within and the "superiority"sickness spreads.

There is nothing anyone can do to be cured of this sickness.It is the nature of man to be at enmity. The core of the sickness is blindness to the condition so wars between each other will continue.Yahoshua is not coming in a great cataclysm at the end of the world to separate the bad goats from the chosen sheep and pat the good sheep on the head.All are goats!

Yahoshua(God is salvation)is here now(and never left) and has started to the change(repent) the great herd of goats into sheep.Everyone will become a sheep until the last one is changed.

All the futile doctrines about "chosen special people" and the utter foolishness about super DNA and magical blood is a great delusion for the blind who think they see some"special" mystical truth...but it is nothing but their own delusion of grandeur.

God has chosen ALL of mankind (none have chosen God) because all are Israel (struggles with God). Genetic Israel was not a great nation because of their piety and great service to God they were more rebellious and carnal than anyone!Israel was the allegory of ALL of mankind.Paul clearly stated this but many completely disregard Paul because they think they know and are better than him...absolute foolishness.

God has chosen all of Israel..mankind.... to be the good flock of sheep and to lie down in green pastures instead of a desert of dung hills.Mankind does not get to choose where and when or how they lie down ...only God chooses.

edit on 4-10-2013 by Rex282 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by Rex282

There is no place in the scriptures that say the genetic "Jews"(the Tribe of Judah or the Southern Kingdom) are 'THE" chosen people of God.It's all religious extrapolation made into a doctrine of men.
Israel is Gods chosen people.Israel means "struggles with God"which perfectly describes all of mankind.Israel is ALL of mankind ...the chosen people.

There is no elitism with God.For millenniums congregations of people feel they are favored and superior to others.They separate themselves and look down at all others as inferior and not worthy.If they see another group acting the same way they despise them.There are always friction then factions form within and the "superiority"sickness spreads.

There is nothing anyone can do to be cured of this sickness.It is the nature of man to be at enmity. The core of the sickness is blindness to the condition so wars between each other will continue.Yahoshua is not coming in a great cataclysm at the end of the world to separate the bad goats from the chosen sheep and pat the good sheep on the head.All are goats!

Yahoshua(God is salvation)is here now(and never left) and has started to the change(repent) the great herd of goats into sheep.Everyone will become a sheep until the last one is changed.

All the futile doctrines about "chosen special people" and the utter foolishness about super DNA and magical blood is a great delusion for the blind who think they see some"special" mystical truth...but it is nothing but their own delusion of grandeur.

God has chosen ALL of mankind (none have chosen God) because all are Israel (struggles with God). Genetic Israel was not a great nation because of their piety and great service to God they were more rebellious and carnal than anyone!Israel was the allegory of ALL of mankind.Paul clearly stated this but many completely disregard Paul because they think they know and are better than him...absolute foolishness.

God has chosen all of Israel..mankind.... to be the good flock of sheep and to lie down in green pastures instead of a desert of dung hills.Mankind does not get to choose where and when or how they lie down ...only God chooses.

edit on 4-10-2013 by Rex282 because: (no reason given)

I found it, I will show you all the light!!

I have to dig around in Exodus, Deuteronomy and Numbers!!

Its very interesting, and does describe Genetic Manipulation!!

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by Xeven

Soooooo, pretend that you have 5 kids . . .

2 are women who marry well enough and have no interest in your long built family business.

1 son is a wanderlust sort forever hitch-hiking around the world with no interest, desire or maturity to settle down to anything--much less the family business--which he's tended to show only disgust for--except when he needed money.

A 2nd son is something of a decent bloke but is not really good at the tasks necessary for running the family business.

The 3rd son is brilliant, mature, loving and enjoys the family business.

Guess who is likely to get the lion's share of the inheritance and certainly the office, power, authority etc. of the family business.

= = = =

Trouble is, the reality is far worse than that analogy. Most of the other humans have behaved quite rebelliously and idolatrously as much and usually worse than even the Israelites.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 04:18 PM



Lmao.. well I'm definitely a genetic freak then.. no doubt about it.

Maybe I have super powers... crikey..

For real..

*fwwwooaaarrrr superwino takes off into the sunset*

There is actually a genetic component of sin that is present in every mortal at birth.

When a person knowingly transgresses Him they are then in separation until they accept the true Messiah and repent in His name - Yahushua.

All will become apparent in the future and many people's minds are going to be blown away when the truth hits the fan.

Soon you might well be able to fly and see (jagged red) ley lines for navigational purposes with the naked eye.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:59 AM
Using DNA you can determine someones ethnicity. So I don't understand what point the OP was trying to make.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 02:10 PM

The best way of looking at it is to take the view that God's dealings in the Old Testament are with a community, rather than a bloodline.
In the New Testament, in any case, the view expands to take in the world as a whole; "Now he commands all men every where to repentf"- Acts ch17 v30

No it's definitely a bloodline, but it's fulfilled when Jesus Christ is born, He is descended directly from Abraham, and through the tribe of Judah and David and Solomon, down to Mary (his biological family). Joseph being probably the Levirate husband of Mary.

A chosen people existed because of the purposes God required of them to fulfill this, and because God never speaks what is not true, if God made such a covenant with these people, they will always be His people, and hence the events of Revelation and the restoration of Israel etc.

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