Pretty nice, though id be interested to what energy and more importantly what luminosity the accelerated electrons are. Brilliant idea and the
development will be a great step forward!
Since there was a pretty ignorant and very standard "Har Har the LHC was a waste" comment above, I should point out that firstly, this device is
accelerating electrons... not protons. So let me pose this question.
Q. Do you know what happens when a high energy particle passes through a material?
A. It deposits energy
simple right? well yes, and so simple that if you was to do high luminosity electron beams passing through a chip, rather than a vacuum cavity, I
think you would probably end up with a melted, severely radiation damaged chip.
The Detectors at CERN are looking for very rare events, so scientists require a lot of statistics. This requires very high luminosity beams such that
you are guaranteed to get a lot of collisions per bunch train. This is all done within a vacuum tube. In other accelerators such as at the J-PARC
facility in Japan, where you extract protons from a beam and focus them onto a graphite target in order to generate neutrinos, once again because
neutrinos do not interact so readily, you need to create a lot of them to make the whole venture worth while. In terms of protons per pulse the
J-PARC facility holds the world record at something like 10^14 protons per pulse.
Q. What happens to the 90cm long graphite target and tungsten target window if the cooling fails?
A. It shatters due to thermal shock from all the energy deposited.
So to turn this into a useful accelerator in the conventional sense, there is a lot to do.
oh and for the record... the LHC cost 20Billion over about 15 years to build (including detectors and infrastructure upgrades i think....and was
funded by 111 different nations. So lets just say that... if you taxed the church for a year you could probably build 2 or 3 ish of them
oh and by
the way, if all American women stopped using lib balm for a year, you could probably donate the US share of it in a year.
food for thought before people keep spreading ignorance instead of denying it.