I thought project blue beam can be used to pin point someone out and send sounds into their heads which would make them do bad things? I read from the
pdf of the weapon that it can make people believe whatever they hear for example the CIA or whoever is using the weapon can make it sound like your
hearing God in your head. I'm not saying it is ok just giving my opinion. Just to point out doesn't HAARP use ELF? and that can be bounced off the
ionosphere to someone like a laser beam.
edit on 26/9/2013 by Sk8ergrl because: (no reason given)
Or perhaps Earl is the military and the CIA is Randy? But I digress.
Blue Beam, although I'm not sure that's its real codename, relates to Archaeological/Atlantis/Mu type discoveries + Unification of World Religions.
Mass mind control is tied to the Religion aspect of it. Strangely, Skull & Bones types stand against this one.