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Very interesting dream about lightning, army

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posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 05:23 PM
I had a nap today I wanted to do a astral projection but I went into a deep sleep. This is what I saw

I was inside a house that I have never been in before anyway my parents were there. I could see outside quite far. It was cloudy and I could see the power plant with lots of overhead lines. I saw fork lightning everywhere and it hit the power plant which cut off our power so we were in the dark. This lightning was different to what I normally see no thunder at all and it just kept hitting the ground getting closer and closer. We were watching it from the windows and we then heard helicopers from the front so we looked out of the front windows and a army helicopter along with a fighter jet screamed past our house. We were all confused and scared so I decided to run outside stupid me because the military were rounding up everyone in the streets. I and my family ran from them we got split up as I ran down what looked like stairs to the road tunnel which I was surrounded by three military people. Then my dream ended.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 05:25 PM
I had a nap this afternoon and my hands were like static electricity and I zapped my cat

Dreams are sure odd sometimes.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 05:28 PM

I had a nap this afternoon and my hands were like static electricity and I zapped my cat

Dreams are sure odd sometimes.

haha that really made me laugh
yeah when I was doing my astral projection I felt my body vibrate and it was tingling. Also my body was shaking really weird cos its first time I've tried to do astral projection.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by Sk8ergrl

ive had a dream i was scared and running, tried to get in a helicopter that was taking off and they pointed a gun at me, so i ran more. turned into an alien btw haha.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by Sk8ergrl

You dreamt how the military were rounding folks up. Perhaps this is a manifestation of your political inner voice or perhaps it is truly a prophecy. Dreams are like children, we tend to give preference to our own and disregard other peoples' as inconvenient. Thanks for sharing yours though.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by hknudzkknexnt

lol glad you didn't get shot in your dream. Most of my dreams are about tornadoes but this dream was about lightning and army roundup. Hmmm could this be a vision that the lightning could be due to the earths changes as we go through the energy cloud. And the army will round up people to get off the streets due to people going insane. I have heard that astral projection can cause visions even if you don't actually astral project sort of like remote projection like what the CIA did.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 07:53 PM
I had a similar dream yesterday, though the only thing i remember is a black cloudy sky with red lightnings and it was a big round stone for a ritual or something with a metal tablet,i took it to read it but again i remember only the last words..."see the darkness."

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by MoldOfIce

That's really interesting as I had a dream/vision last year I think and I'm sure that I heard Gods voice it was really loud and echo saying to me " From into the darkness go into the light " something like that anyway

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by MysteriousHusky

Thank you MysteriousHusky for your lovely interpretation and I hope that my dream/vision has helped people to prepare as they will be coming for us but don't be in fear something good will happen. Remember fear is what keeps us separated from our conciousness. Think positive with love.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 05:32 PM

reply to post by MoldOfIce

That's really interesting as I had a dream/vision last year I think and I'm sure that I heard Gods voice it was really loud and echo saying to me " From into the darkness go into the light " something like that anyway

That was a command.

Astral projection is the allowing of evil spirits to enter into you. Convulsing is a sign of being possessed.

The tornado represents Satan and his demons.

This dream which you just posted is showing you the damage that evil is having upon you and your family. Lights out. The demons will take you hostage.

God told you, "From into the darkness, go into the light."

Soon you will be taken hostage. You will then say the name of Jesus in order to be saved.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 05:59 PM

I had a similar dream yesterday, though the only thing i remember is a black cloudy sky with red lightnings and it was a big round stone for a ritual or something with a metal tablet,i took it to read it but again i remember only the last words..."see the darkness."

Revelations 18:21

And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 04:46 PM


reply to post by MoldOfIce

That's really interesting as I had a dream/vision last year I think and I'm sure that I heard Gods voice it was really loud and echo saying to me " From into the darkness go into the light " something like that anyway

That was a command.

Astral projection is the allowing of evil spirits to enter into you. Convulsing is a sign of being possessed.

The tornado represents Satan and his demons.

This dream which you just posted is showing you the damage that evil is having upon you and your family. Lights out. The demons will take you hostage.

God told you, "From into the darkness, go into the light."

Soon you will be taken hostage. You will then say the name of Jesus in order to be saved.

Funny that you mentioned about the tornado's are demons as the other day I had a nightmare that these tornado's were after me and they were demonic forces. I've never had a dream like that and I really felt that my dream was being manipulated by unknown forces.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 05:53 PM
The tornado is the unknown,the lightening is making you act. The conflict is between the love for parents and the exciting outside world with its crazy rules which you know instinctly is not quite right. Helicopters symbolises your urge to get the hell out of there and the tunnel is your desire to stay the same.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by Sk8ergrl

I had a similar dream back in 2006. I'm mine it started as I was in bed a tornado took the roof of my house and the wall adjacent to my bed made into rubble and I still in bed looking over the rubble a scene unfolded I don't remember clearly but ended up looking at a tsa styled security checkpoint into a prison camp same uniforms and everything and people were all lined up to go in, nobody resisted actually people acted as if they wanted to be there. The tsa guards proceeded to take everyone's personal belongings and store them in different containers to be filed away. Inside was a prison with cells as high as you could see. Then I woke up still on my bed sitting up still looking at the wall which was still in tact in reality.

I happen to agree about staying away from astral projection. It has been said that bad spirits can enter your body. I would tread very carefully.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by txinfidel

Thanks for sharing your dream its good to hear about peoples dreams and you get to try and unlock the mystery lol. My own personal opinion is that its impossible for my body to be possessed during an astral projection as my life cord basically an akashic field connected to energy cord is still attached to me and that cord cannot be broken also you shouldn't let fear win. Remember that fear and evil feeds off your negative energy also it can sense fear. I believe that we are all light beings housed in a vessel and we are more powerful then we can imagine. We have the potential to astral project to anywhere and any time. Nothing can harm you in the astral realm only yourself and when you confront your own fear nothing can harm you. I also believe that when we die our life is just beginning. Yes our mortal vessel has died but our soul lives on forever. I could be wrong and I could be right I can only say what I believe in.

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