posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 04:58 PM
Howdy, folks. The missus and I are mulling buying some used Audi Quattro variant or other to backstop our current ride, and provide utility in bad
weather (we live in Denver). Our car is great in many ways, but it is FWD, and that will certainly be an issue sooner than later I suspect. If it were
not for that we would not need a second vehicle at all (which, admittedly, I hate to have to contemplate. I'm not "made out of airports".)
Used Audis are quite plentiful here (and strangely, in some contexts, cheaper than equivalent Japanese AWD vehicles), and they provide a lot more
than, say, the average Subaru (a modicum of fun). In addition to the other resources I've poked around in, I'd like to get some objective input from
the ATS community regards the pros and cons of these vehicles.
Much obliged any help you might be able to provide.